Monday, September 12, 2011

Why Cain't Jonney Spel

Have you noticed how folks spell these days? I often cringe when I read articles and entries online --- not so much hard print--- as they use copywriters who proof writing ----but many folks left to proof their own can't see their own errors. Always makes one wonder whether they know the difference in the words they have written or typed.

Don't get me wrong in what I write here because I, too, makes mistakes when I am hurried. And I must add it can be most embarrassing.

I often pause when I see these blatant spelling mistakes and ponder the cause. I reflect back on the years when school teachers were pushed into using the Whole Language method of teaching Language Arts. That was when you saw the spelling books and language books disappear from the classroom. Many teachers were truly upset as they were pushed / forced into dropping the weekly spelling list and test. Some continued to do it behind the backs of administrators because it made parents happy. I am not going to admit (in this blog) on which side I was, but it might surprise a few. English language books were gone, thus teaching parts of speech, punctuation, verb tenses, etc., diminished. The theory behind this entire movement was that teachers no longer needed to teach these skills in isolation -- as in Spelling lessons and English Language lessons. The belief being that these skills were learned more effectively when taught in context. They were directed to integrate the teaching of those skills into their Writing lessons. About that time dpi also started to mandate the testing of Writing as a part of the state testing effort. Then the Writing test was thrown out in NC a few years ago because of problems with scoring. But.... what about those folks who missed out on those Spelling and English Language lessons for all of those years. You are right --- they do not spell too well nor do they know much about the use of tenses and parts of speech to name a few skills. I forgot to mention that with the demise of the writing assessment I do not remember that re-introduction of teaching spelling and language lessons in isolation. I suppose teachers continue to teach those in context???? Well, I would be remiss if I did not admit that quite a few teachers continue to teach some spelling skills in isolation. Many continue to have a spelling list but I am not so sure about the language lessons that helped students learn rules to apply in spelling words. Thus, we have many who have poor spelling skills graduating from our schools.

There you have it.... my theory of why Johnny can't spell. Nothing sacred about it, just my opinion.

I read an article recently about spelling mistakes you should not make when applying for a job. Many of the words mentioned were antonyms, synonyms, and homonyms. Words like, to, too, two; their, there; whose, who's; no and know; separate, receive, appreciate, restaurant, your and you're, etc.. As I recall those lessons were a part of both Spelling and Language instruction in the "good 'ole days."

Do you think we have neglected our students in the choices made in the instruction of spelling skills, language skills, and reading?
I know what I believe!

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