Friday, October 21, 2011


As the days have gotten progressively shorter I have found myself driving back from the coast in the dark more often than I would like. My poor vehicles have been generously covered with bugs, NC variety bugs, full of 'baccer juice I would say. They have made a mess all over the front end of my cars. Today I have used all kinds of removers plus a bit of muscle power trying to clean them away. Still more remnants remain than I would like. A friend suggested that I use some Comet or Ajax cleanser. Not sure what that would do to the finish.

My two schnauzers think they are "hooman." I wonder why??? They think they should have the same things their humanoid has to eat and that they should be allowed in the same places. I am beginning to believe that they have selective hearing as well. They understand just what they want to -- the rest-- they choose not to understand and pretend that they are dogs at that point.

Sometimes I wonder about myself. My brain and body seems to be scattered all over everywhere. I am running all over trying to get tasks done that really need to be accomplished and my days are eaten up without getting my work at home done. I will be glad when I focus on things I need to do about and around my home. Oh well, like Scarlett, there is always tomorrow.

Today there is a chill in the air and a nip to the chill. I think that means fall has really arrived. And then I heard that Greg Fishel guy talking about how rapidly we are losing daylight hours as this year of 2011 draws to a close. He also referred to the fact that we transition to EST in less than two weeks. At that point we will really feel the lack of daylight. Not too sure I am ready for that but do I have a choice?? Don't think so. So be it... and I have just turned on the gas logs to take the nip off the chill! By next week we will warm up again --- hip hip hooray!

That's all for now folks!

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