Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Irritating Rationalizations

Ever have situational things dangled or flaunted in front of your face that are just plain irritating?    Guess I just have my underwear in a wad!  BUT and However....since I have already mentioned it.

This about sums it up:  However you have chosen to live your life, or whatever choices you have made let them be yours. You were given the agency to make your choices or as the song says " choose your life and how it will be!".  Do it and move on with your life.   Don't proceed to try to rationalize your choices to everyone else as if you are trying to convince us that your are correct or that we should all be as happy with those choices as you are.    Chances are we don't care or if we were interested we would have asked or made the same choices in our own lives.
And don't bother giving up updates about how hard the choices you have made are ---they are yours, remember?
That's All.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

College Sports Extremism

I Love Sports!  Let's get that straight to begin.  There is only one sports event that I can truthfully say I do not like and that is boxing which seems more like abuse to me than a sports event.

I hail from a family (of males particularly) whose interest and participation in sports goes back some generations.  Growing up I probably heard the broadcasts of more sports events than I really wanted ( given a choice)  but my Dad loved them.  Thus, we all got a strong dose.  Whether it took or not is the question.  This partially explains my initial statement. My father played semi-pro baseball and my brother played professional baseball for some seasons.

Having said these things,  I am now about to write about "sports fanism"or fanaticism that I really do not get!  I live (now) in a state where being a fan of a particular college team goes to all extremes emotionally.  Folks here are "crazy blind" to put it mildly. They seem to wear blinders as it pertains to devotion to certain teams.  Sometimes I think they are nuts and seem to enjoy being that way --- no common sense at all.

Perhaps I am the crazy, stupid one and just do not get it at all but somehow I came through life to this ripe old age believing that this kind of sports devotion was reserved for institutions you attended (completed course work) or from which you held a degree!  My "newer state specific" sports education has instructed me ( by association and observation) that I am so out in left field in my core beliefs that I am just all WET !!

Then again, I suppose this is how schools make their dollars -- multi millions of those.  Getting a strong following of people in and out of your state (educated by your institution or not)  is the key to being able to build strong teams by giving schools the revenue needed to recruit the top high school athletes to their programs,  thus being able to have the advantage in marketing a competitive product, i.e., winning team, each year.  So fans go crazy, get warped minds, donate millions of dollars, create enemies, and generally say stupid things and act dumb!

Having pondered this craziness and living among these "fruitcakes" hasn't really changed my own affinity for always pulling for the underdog ----AND from watching and following ALL college sports programs and appreciating when they have great talent, and good years.  I also enjoy watching golf and tennis, some soccer, and   all BYU sports!  Go Cougars!!  Rise and Shout!  Guess I am warped, too!