Monday, July 25, 2011

My Heathens - Chapter XX

They have done it again! My Heathen Canine Girls. I am in trouble with the neighbors. At least I seem to be in trouble with the neighbors right behind my home. Today as I let my girls out to "take care of business" they started barking at the neighbors they could hear in the yard behind us. Between my calls to them to come back in the house the neighbor's son appeared and asked to tell me something. So I proceeded off the deck to the brick patio as he approached my wrought iron fence and the girls continued to bark! What he told me was actually an informative request. He asked that I keep my barking dogs in the house while his mother's house (which is up for sale) is being shown. He went on to say that they may have/ probably have lost several sales because prospective buyers were turned off because my dogs barked. I told him I tried to get them back in the house when I realized that someone might be over there and agreed to continue to try. But no one calls me and tells me when the house is being shown. I don't know when I let my girls go outside. What to do??!!
So anybody want to buy two really cute schnauzers???

It hasn't been that long ago that I blogged about receiving a note from a male neighbor telling me that my dogs disturbed him with their barking at anyone who happens to need a good barking! So I went out and bought a PetSafe barking collar for Miss Kami to try and curb her barking. It did nothing but make a good necklace. At least it didn't disturb her at all.

One thing I should establish is that my girls are house dogs. They are never out barking late in the evening or at night. If they need to go out at night I go out with them. The only person making sounds at that time would be me. The heat has been dreadful so they are never out for very long before I am bringing them back inside. However, they are terriers and terriers bark.
They will bark particularly at the sounds of trucks on the street, car doors slamming, the sight of people and the sound of voices and birds who harass them. I also should mention I never leave the house with my dogs outside and further when I do leave my home my dogs are crated where they feel safe and are not barking.

Further, I must say in their defense and as I have stated before, my neighbors on each side of my yard in the back have petted and rubbed on these girls when they were young puppies and as they have gotten older. They spoiled my dogs to know that if they barked for the attention of the neighbors they would get it. All of the neighbors come to the fence and talk to them and rub them.
So.....being dogs, as they are, they do not understand when they aren't supposed to bark for attention. Would you?
When do you want me to acknowledge that I like you and your attention, and I am cute, and when do you want me to go on away and ignore you?? I am doggie --- I don't get it -- I thought you liked me all of time.

Any suggestions for me folks??? I am puzzled. Barks collars don't really work, citronella, not so much either.
The only thing that comes to mind is that perhaps I should give them voice lessons and teach them to sing instead of bark!

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