Friday, July 29, 2011


I ranted yesterday about athletes and their seeming lack of integrity and its impact on the careers and lives of individuals. Today, shall I take a swat at politicians??
I wish I knew what to say about those "guys and gals" --- politicians, that is!

Needless to say, I have been disgusted since the last election. I think I have written it previously.
In my adult life I do not think I have heard or witnessed so much meanness from elected officials as I have in the last nine months, both local and national and school board. Witness that mess in Washington with the lack of compromise to come up with a budget in a timely manner. It all boils down (in my mind) to one word -- ego. Many of those clowns campaigned and were elected by making some kind of lofty promises to their constituents about reforming Congress. So they packed up their little carpetbeggar totes and off they went to the big city to reform the recklessness of those already there with their little totes. Some were from the regular demos, some regular repubs, and some called themselves tea party-ers. Soon it was round one. Out they all came to the ring and the zoo started. As of this moment they have accomplished Nothing they were sent to do except to be Ugly in every sense of the word.

Before I go let me point out to you not a one of those congressional clowns has turned down the "pork barrel" funds they are dragging back to their districts. Same thing happened in the NC legislative session. Both were charged with coming up with a viable budget and in the case of NC it had to be a balanced budget. Cuts were flying everywhere -- especially to the folks earning the least amount of $$ per year. But behind closed doors they were all dragging their money bags of goodies back to their districts for their pet projects.
I feel my bp rising so I guess it is time to quit wasting my energy on these clowns --- all of them whatever party!

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