Wednesday, April 7, 2010

It Is Finished, I think

Have you ever wanted to do something well and worn yourself out in the process? Such has been the case with emptying my Mom's home of her earthly belongings and preparing it for sale at the coast. I have worked at this task for approximately three years now and I am sapped. I returned to my primary home in Raleigh yesterday no less confused than I have been for the time I have worked to achieve this task. As I backed out of the house early yesterday morning cleaning my way as I went I had mixed emotions. Is this the move I am supposed to make or is it completely and totally wrong? The real estate agent was scheduled to show up some time yesterday to film the home and site to complete the listing of the property for sale.
Whether she did or not I haven't heard. I came back to Raleigh, took my Sassy schnauzer back to the vet for an appointment and since then I have slumped. I was physically and emotionally exhausted. Now it is time to get on with the rest of my life. What will that be??
Ever since I married Ken I have spent my life between Raleigh and Wilmington. When that home is sold it will be a relief to be only responsible for one home. But is the home I will have left in the place I would rather live?

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