Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Belly Buttons Foolishness!!

Would you believe there is a study going on over on the NC State University campus on belly buttons??? Well, just relax and I will tell you about it!

What a hoot, that I should read of this when I have always had questions about bb's! But wait a minute before you become too judgmental, my only question had to do with innies and outies! I learned that there are more innies than outies and that you can have plastic surgery to alter the appearance of your bb if you are not satisfied with your original product! Such enlightening information -- gotta love it, huh?

So the study that is being done at NC State is called the Belly Button Biodiversity Project and is actually a study of what germs / bacteria inhabit belly buttons!! The results seem to indicate that staphylococcus and streptococcus are the big two that live in that little cave!! But those two guys are for the most part considered "friendly" there.

So why did they choose belly buttons as the location for this study of body bacteria??? First because the bb does not secrete anything and people just tend to leave their bb alone. For the most part people do not scrub their bb's like they do their face or exfoliate them . Actually the study seemed to be done under an umbrella of what bacteria actually grow on the body among some trillion that can be found. I think the study says we have some 100 trillion microbes and about 10 trillion cells on our bods!

So what belly buttons facts did I learn from this study?? Some I have already mentioned:

  • you have no control over the kind you get BUT

  • you can have the shape changed with surgery

  • innies dominate

  • belly button shape can change -- as with pregnancy

  • there seems to be an ideal shape (innies seem preferred)but the ideal shape has some other characteristics

  • some people seem more prone to bb lint (men)

  • belly button meet soap...just wash it with soap and

  • pause before you pierce (infections) I guess your bb isn't located in the best place for piercings though some folks don't seem to care......
Personally, I truly was amused by this study, I must admit!! But as I mentioned it was a part of an effort to study the kinds of bacteria found on the body.
Now don't you really feel uplifted and enlightened from having read my blog today???, sour puss!!

1 comment:

Christy said...

There is about to be a lot more attention given to the cleaning of bb's at our house!