Friday, August 26, 2011

What Do You Think of You??

I loved this message by Lloyd Newell. Maybe I need to read it more than once so I am copying it to my blog. Perhaps you will appreciate it as well.

Delivered On: August 21st 2011
Delivered By: Lloyd D. Newell

What You Think of You

Life, in this world, can be hard on anyone. We hear and see things that are discouraging, even disheartening, and at times we may feel dismayed about the state of the world and the condition of our own lives. Yes, life can be hard.
But within us, deep down in our heart of hearts, resides a sense of robust hope and sweet expectation that can lift us out of life’s fog to see clearly who we are and our capacities. We lift the fog every time we count our blessings, every time we are kind toward others, every time we seriously ponder life’s purposes. We lift life’s fog as we pause to listen to our heart.
Each one of us is here for a reason, a purpose that may sometimes get lost in life’s heartaches and disappointments. Who are you really? Why are you here at this time and this place? What can you do to make a difference in someone’s life? How can you truly look into your heart?
"What you think of you is what finally matters,” wrote one observer. "When you look in the bathroom mirror in the morning, the court is open for business. And you are the jury and the judge on the case.”1
Thinking of yourself as someone capable and worthy of good things sets positive change into motion. Quietly, your heart begins to change. You then begin to see and think and feel that your life can be good—despite life’s heartaches. Listen to that small voice in your heart that whispers to you the power to change, the potential for happiness, and the peace of mind that comes from knowing that what you think of you matters.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Three Wishes

If I had three wishes what would they be?? I really couldn't say for certain as it might vary from time to time but I will share what I think today!
I would wish to never open the newspaper obituary page and find any one who Had to die before the age of one hundred and when they did pass away it came Without pain. Now I have tried to leave some loopholes in that statement for special cases. It makes me so sad to read that folks died of diseases that surely have caused pain and suffering. I know there are so-called "reasons" for suffering but it doesn't make me like that anyone must suffer. My heart is always broken when I read of those born with imperfect bodies and those who suffer death at the hands of another. (Sounds like I stay upset a lot in today's world, huh??)

My second wish would be that the necessities of life (those necessary to maintain life) would be available to all people. It is so very painful to see starving children and adults throughout the world. In the pre-existent state when we chose to come to earth to take up a body I wonder whether starving people knew that starving would be one of their trials on this earth.

My third wish would be that those conditions that it takes to bring about my first two wishes would be the prevailing conditions throughout the earth and that animals would be included in my first two wishes.

Now you know what a simpleton I am and how naiive I am. As I am writing this my house is shaking -- started slowly and grew more violently. Felt for certain like an earthquake!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Home Schooling

This post is my take on home schooling. If you are a fan of HS you will want to read no further. What I write here is my opinion only. I am always ranting about things that irritate me and this post is no different.
Home Schooling!! Why do I let this issue irritate me so?? I am not certain of the true reason but I suspect it is due to the people whose paths I have crossed who were self righteously indulged in this form of education. With the exception of one group of home schoolers that I have known I have never known of many (if any) who were providing opportunities to their students equivalent to that of public education opportunities. Most that I have know had ulterior motives!!! All too often the education part of what these students were getting could only be dubbed a scam. They were getting lots of piddle and home time. Sometimes it is being the baby sitter while Mom roams the streets at will to do her tasks. Most often students were not receiving organized instruction to pass off course work needed for a given year with appropriate objectives being taught and mastered. Most parents are not equipped to teach given subject matter(s) in an appropriate way and some are no doubt delving into subject matter they will never and have never mastered themselves as in organic chemistry, foreign languages, calculus or the various sciences. I do know parents (home schoolers) who send their high school students to the local community colleges to pick up advanced subject instruction.
Other than academic needs, students need socialization with individuals, groups, instructors, and the sports, creative, and cultural opportunities found in the public school settings.
So with that said what have I seen in folks who pulled their children from the public school setting to home school.
1. Parent differences with assigned teachers when they could not get students reassigned to another teacher.
2. Parents who were looking for a reason to keep older siblings home to "baby-sit" younger siblings.
3. Problems with school administrators for a year or so -- students were returned to the public school setting once the administrator or teacher was no longer in the picture -- for whatever reason.
4. Some parents who have differences with government -- as if home schooling solved that issue.
5. Students with special needs -- parents felt public school setting was not meeting these needs.
There are lots of scenarios of this --- some justified, some definitely not. When this is the justified situation a parent is able to press to have a school system pay for the educational need of these youngsters. Parents who know in their "heart of hearts" that they are being manipulated by their child usually do not push for this but blame the school and teachers. And there are times when the parent is the problem -- believe it or not.

Now, there are some situations out there where there are some crummy teachers. I do not deny that. In those cases, it needs to be documented and fixed through appropriate channels.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Tiger by the tale......

Sure I spelled tale that way on purpose ..... as in a tall tale!
I am getting just a little agitated at some of the sports writers' criticism of Tiger, the golf pro.
Certainly he has not been a good boy and that may be understating the gravity of the problem but I am not Tiger's judge nor do I wish to be. Some of "us" who follow the game of golf have wished him the best in his attempts to regain what he has lost in prowess. It has been a really sad story -- his fall from being king of the game to not being able to qualify for tournaments this season as well as leg and hip problems requiring therapy and surgery. Obviously in the game of golf one must practice on a regular basis requiring that the entire body be in tip-top shape, the mind rested, and the skills honed and polished.
He made a real mess of his personal life and has suffered many losses as a result. Lets just leave the details there. But folks......your suffer the loss, take your lumps and bumps, and try to move on.
Right as he is trying to get back to his game he "fires" his caddie. Obviously, there must have been cause. It seems that Tiger does not want to air his dirty laundry with the press. For this he is being strongly criticized because he refuses to talk about the issue. The sports writers' stand is that they need the story because that is the way they make their living -- getting the scoop!!
Here, I thought they made their livings writing about sports events. Stoopid me!!

Tiger's ex-caddie put out a strong statement or two last weekend, after his new employer won the golf event, most of which was targeted toward Tiger. It was rather sad for him -- that he was so bitter that he got quite ugly.
On the other hand it has been refreshing that Tiger's response was not one of retaliation.
He response was more congratulatory to the pair.
My word is ---"Hey you guys, get off of Tiger's back for a while!. Let him play golf and make a come back!"

Monday, August 8, 2011

August Daze

Can you tell the year is waning? The shadows are different, the days are getting shorter, and we are still in single digit days of August. When July is gone and August comes along "things" begin to happen that indicate fall cannot be far away. Of course, these signs are being helped along (this year) due to the intense heat we have endured since late May in North Carolina -- and I realize that we are not alone. I am not sure of the statistics but I believe we have had more three digit temperatures in this season of this year. We have certainly kept the electricity providers busy and their pockets jingling. One should not complain and just be grateful we have a means to keep cool. (I am sure that we are.) The leaves on the trees and bushes are curling up, turning brown, and falling to the earth far too early. Most likely this is due to the lack of sufficient rain and water.

Today's is my kid sister's birthday. I remember the day she was born. She was a small baby (that means not elephant size like her older sister) and I recall my Mom pointing out to us that she had little ears like buttons and she went on to point out all of her little features to us. She was a really pretty baby who smiled a lot and was generally content. She had blue eyes like our Dad -- blue eyes that stayed blue -- my parents' only right-handed blue-eyed child.
Our brother wanted to trade her in on a little car he could ride so he talked to the doctor about the possibility. In the end we decided to keep her and have been grateful for that decision ever since.