Monday, August 8, 2011

August Daze

Can you tell the year is waning? The shadows are different, the days are getting shorter, and we are still in single digit days of August. When July is gone and August comes along "things" begin to happen that indicate fall cannot be far away. Of course, these signs are being helped along (this year) due to the intense heat we have endured since late May in North Carolina -- and I realize that we are not alone. I am not sure of the statistics but I believe we have had more three digit temperatures in this season of this year. We have certainly kept the electricity providers busy and their pockets jingling. One should not complain and just be grateful we have a means to keep cool. (I am sure that we are.) The leaves on the trees and bushes are curling up, turning brown, and falling to the earth far too early. Most likely this is due to the lack of sufficient rain and water.

Today's is my kid sister's birthday. I remember the day she was born. She was a small baby (that means not elephant size like her older sister) and I recall my Mom pointing out to us that she had little ears like buttons and she went on to point out all of her little features to us. She was a really pretty baby who smiled a lot and was generally content. She had blue eyes like our Dad -- blue eyes that stayed blue -- my parents' only right-handed blue-eyed child.
Our brother wanted to trade her in on a little car he could ride so he talked to the doctor about the possibility. In the end we decided to keep her and have been grateful for that decision ever since.

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