Monday, October 3, 2011

Fall & Me

I have decided for sure that I do not like Fall. Probably for all of the reasons everyone else likes Fall.
For starters, I have allergies. I am extremely allergic to ragweed, Johnson grass, and about a dozen other pesty little grasses that grow here in the south. My nose itches, my eyes water and itch; I just itch all over. I stay congested and it just is not fun.

Other disturbing issues for me are shadows and light. Even the days are darker because the shadows seem to be longer. The sunshine is so much more fun with its bright rays and warmth before the fall solstice. Now the days will continue to get shorter with each succeeding day. We will change back to standard time in early November and for at least four months I will be miserable.

Since Ken died I have not looked forward to any of the fall holidays. My only wish from year to year is just to get them over. It is an endurance task for me -- living through those holidays.
That probably seems sad to any one who reads this blog but it is what it is. I don't ask for or want sympathy for any of these feelings. It goes without saying we know that any of us could be left alone at any time in our life. Should that happen we just pick up what is left and do our best to deal with "it" in our own way. Thus, to me the holidays are just like any other day and I don't look forward to them I just live through them like any other plain ole day. Neither do I begrudge these days to any one who enjoys fall and winter holidays --- if they love them and have fun on and during them -- I am happy for them and like to see them happy.
Having said that doesn't mean that I don't wish for more hours of sunlight on those days. I certainly do. And so it goes with life, we make the best of what we have.

I don't like winter and cold temperatures. For the first twenty-one years of my life I lived where we definitely had winter, cold, and snow. I am so over that --like forever over cold weather. I just curl up into a knot and pray for it to pass.
And pass it surely will -- and Spring will come again followed by Summer!

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