Thursday, January 31, 2013

Reflections on Manti

I have been confused listening to the convoluted stories of the ND football player since fall. Throughout the seemingly ridiculous release of first one crazy related story and another I have wondered about the actual education of this young man. How was his actual work toward a college degree faring? I seemed to remember hearing something early pertaining to his classwork but that part of the story faded early in favor of the more seemingly "sensational"
parts that the press would rather hear and publish. I searched the internet and ran up on the following:

Te’o has excelled in the classroom as his grade-point average has been well above 3.0 his entire career at Notre Dame. In 2011, he was named a second-team Academic All-American, becoming the 56th selection in Notre Dame football history. Following the 2011 season, Te’o was selected the football team’s recipient of the Rockne student-athlete of the year. He is on pace to graduate this December from Notre Dame, earning his degree in three and a half years.

Te’o has been a leader since birth. He was the perfect example for his siblings to follow as he was a good student and good citizen. A member of the Boy Scouts as a child, Te’o earned Eagle Scout status after years of determination and effort. He and his family knew the value of a good education as Te’o traveled 90 minutes each way so he could attend one of the most prestigious high schools in Hawaii. Raised on the North Shore of Oahu, Te’o traveled each day to downtown Honolulu to attend Punahou High School. Te’o would pass his local high school on the way to Punahou but he and his family knew how the elite education offered at Punahou would benefit him for the rest of his life.
End of quote.

This article goes further in explanation about his family and early life.
Now Dr. You Know is airing his discussions with the perpetrator of this sham. Lots can be said about why this young many was duped and participated in this fiasco. I have no idea can only guess. Perhaps he was lonely even though he was surrounded by students. It would appear that he is not a very 'worldly" young man and schooled in today's dating standards --- whatever that would be!! Further complicating that scene would be the knowledge that he has been raised in and LDS family and no doubt has little experience dating. Perhaps he studied, practiced and played football, went to church, and kept busy with those activities. At any rate I now am satisfied that young Manti has graduated from ND with a degree and a respectable GP average should he want to go to graduate school after everyone has finished laughing at him and calling him names!!

Perhaps now he should go on to serve a mission like he started to earlier in his life. Time will tell.

*****Post Script ---1 Feb 2013

This entry will make no sense to you unless you have read the one just prior. My thoughts are directly in relation to those I "scribed" pertaining to the bizarre hoax played on the ND football player. My thoughts have not been to condemn either young man although that could have been easy. It has been interesting to listen to snippets of Dr. You Know's interviews and questions as he has attempted to unravel these rather complex interactions between those two.

The perpetrator of this hoax now seems rather repentant --- and the harm has been done to both. One could only hope for both of them that they might drop this whole issue, talk about it no more and move on with their young lives to be productive citizens who can overcome and forget.

Monday, January 21, 2013

My VIew of The Inaug ..... is inauguration day in Washington, DC. The town is filled with those who are delighted with the re-election of this president. While many across this great country haven't even bothered to tune in. They care but are disgruntled and totally defeated by this event. It is understandable. As is the case in most elections....this one was bitter. The country seems undeniably divided. There are those who are tired of supporting large numbers of people who have made poor choices and gotten themselves and many little children (who didn't ask for this) into dire straits and cannot provide for their well-being. There are many who have not contributed one penny (or very few) draining the tills of entitlements pushing states and the federal government further into debt trying to keep funds in these programs. We are told many on these rolls are not even citizens of the United States. However, one must acknowledge that this is not the only problem facing this nation.

We seem to lack the great voice that can unite the spirits of politicians to help them see the need of working together to solve problems this nation faces. It is very disturbing especially when we constantly hear that the real reason the parties do not want to work together stems from the knowledge that they will not be re-elected if they vote for more taxes which supply more dollars for that which I have just discussed above.

Our country was thrown into a truly serious recession by ruthless financial practices in many venues. As folks lost their jobs and were sent into a downward spiral financial institutions were failing right and left. Folks could not pay their sizable debts. As business and government fought hard to climb out of this hole disagreements on how to manage this situation have been fiery. The current president inherited the problem. Many have not agreed with his course of correction. Another candidate with considerable financial knowledge and experience was offered by the opposite party. He was, however, rejected by the electorate.

Why was this president re-elected? One can only speculate at this point. My personal beliefs at this point are as follows:

1. Democrats were successful in their efforts to make Romney un-appealing for his
personality, his religion, lack of being a political insider, his personal wealth,
his success with business, and many other issues.
2. Romney's own party was less than supportive for many of the same reasons listed in
# 1.
3. Democrats were terrified that they would lose the entitlements to which they have
become so comfortable and accustomed. Thus, they rallied and drug their supporters
to the polls.

So there you have it folks, my opinion or just some of it on today's big event. You can like it or not ~~~ I don't really care. I think I am correct or at least partially so.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

The Cabinet

The Cabinet!! Just holding my breath for the next appointees to the new cabinet for the governor wannabe who got elected this time for the state of NC. One's greatest "fears" were realized with the first group of appointees for cabinet positions. Look out schools and teachers. The funds you were formerly given will soon be appropriated to more charter schools and school vouchers. The predicted consequence of this ( by me ) will be the loss of funding for pay for National Board Teacher certification and teachers more often pulling from their own purses for classroom supplies. The school year will probably be lengthened to all schools being year round without pay differential.

Next coming down the pike as appointees (shortly) will no doubt be the two wake board members who ran for election and did not win. Hang on to your hats citizens this is going to be "one more ride!" Surprises are just around the curve, er, I mean bend.

Now there are some as expressed by NC Spin (I'm a fan) who believe this about the new cabinet ..... in their so-called micro view: McCrory’s team is too white, too male, too old, too Republican and too Duke. Those who would have preferred a mosaic representation of our state would loved to have had more color, more gender, more geographic and more diverse experience among his selection. (Unquote)

*** I am left wondering why the November elected boss did not create a position as Czar of Education for the one appointed to head transportation. As you can see I have some pondering yet to do on this cabinet thing.

Keep your ear to the earth could be more rumbling about this in my future!!!!