Thursday, January 3, 2013

The Cabinet

The Cabinet!! Just holding my breath for the next appointees to the new cabinet for the governor wannabe who got elected this time for the state of NC. One's greatest "fears" were realized with the first group of appointees for cabinet positions. Look out schools and teachers. The funds you were formerly given will soon be appropriated to more charter schools and school vouchers. The predicted consequence of this ( by me ) will be the loss of funding for pay for National Board Teacher certification and teachers more often pulling from their own purses for classroom supplies. The school year will probably be lengthened to all schools being year round without pay differential.

Next coming down the pike as appointees (shortly) will no doubt be the two wake board members who ran for election and did not win. Hang on to your hats citizens this is going to be "one more ride!" Surprises are just around the curve, er, I mean bend.

Now there are some as expressed by NC Spin (I'm a fan) who believe this about the new cabinet ..... in their so-called micro view: McCrory’s team is too white, too male, too old, too Republican and too Duke. Those who would have preferred a mosaic representation of our state would loved to have had more color, more gender, more geographic and more diverse experience among his selection. (Unquote)

*** I am left wondering why the November elected boss did not create a position as Czar of Education for the one appointed to head transportation. As you can see I have some pondering yet to do on this cabinet thing.

Keep your ear to the earth could be more rumbling about this in my future!!!!

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