Monday, December 31, 2012

2012, 2013 & Resolutions

Today marks the end of year 2012. It has been a most interesting year. Some events we enjoyed, others we would prefer to forget, as with all years. By means of technology in all places in the world we are exposed to more than we some times want to see. Some of that which we see is amazing and some simply horrifying and mortifying. While it helps to document events and happenings, sometimes there is just too much information for an old mortal to digest!
As I write this, it is already 2013 in some areas of the world. It is 7 PM in the evening and fireworks are going off all around my home in a suburb subdivision. My doggie girls get terribly upset with the sounds of the popping and cracking. Not certain what kind of evening this will be if it continues into the wee hours of the morning.

Ah, well.....Happy 2013 Everyone!! I am again on New Year's Day back to add some more to this entry. We survived all of the fireworks for the moment. It must be time to cook the black-eyed peas, collards and pork, I think! I know the greens represent money but I can't remember the symbolism for the other items.

I think we are "supposed" to make some resolutions to break for the year of 2013. I am so old I can't even remember any I made for last year. That is what I call OLD -- when you can't even remember something so important. Oh wait, when did THAT get to be important.

Hmmm...let's see....resolutions...for 2013...that would be...
1. Perfect procrastination
2. Procrastinate
3. Become more Tech Saavy
4. Rewind Ambition and Energy
5. Have Fun
6. Enjoy Life

That's it Folks!! Surely hope I don't forget numbers 3 and 4 this year.

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