Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Boston Havoc

Does anyone else find it strange that the Boston Marathon was being run with special honors paid to the Newtown Tragedy only to be hit by its own mad terror. Obviously perpetrated by supreme cowardice this act took the lives of three and injured roughly one hundred fifty people who were observing and waiting at the race's finish line. One of the victims, an eight year-old boy was waiting for his father to finish the race. The mother of this youngster has serious brain injuries, his sister lost a leg. How sad this story is! The details being released of the contents of the bombs indicate plain unadulterated meanness of intent! Bombs were hidden in duffel bags containing nails, metal shards, and shrapnel meant to maim and damage. Clearly the individual who designed these bombs did so in such a manner that these nails, shards, and shrapnel would do the maximum damage to those they struck. Evil, evil!!

It is difficult to understand the mind of a criminal wanting to do such harm to his/her fellow man. On the other hand, we all felt the same gratitude for those who scurried to help from every corner of the area. Watching it roll out on the screen, these people put aside personal concerns and scampered to help without thought other than people were hurt and needed their assistance. Some were doctors and nurses at the finish line, some were observers, some were runners themselves. The hospitals were filled with runners who just kept running to give blood. Many doctors who were in the race as runners and observers went on to the hospitals to offer their medical services. Whether fortunate or however you want to describe it, the Boston area is filled with hospitals, some of the best known in our country. Adequate medical resources were mobilized to help these individuals. We are all grateful.

Going forward not only those injured and maimed but those who witnessed and those who assisted and treated these individuals will need counseling to get beyond or to be able to cope with and handle the emotional damage done to their psyche.

More details will be discovered and known as the days go on and the investigation progresses. This event will not curtail the American spirit, neither will it keep us from running recreationally. It will, however, teach us a little more about precautions that need to be taken to keep our citizens safe when they gather for events. It is difficult to comprehend that right among us dwell those who do not wish us well but represent evil.

Again, I express my own condemnation of this act! I will continue to remember these fellow Americans and Boston in prayers.

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