Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Me Thinks...

I believe that bunch of "circus clowns" meeting downtown in the so-called legislative building need to just pack up their goodie bags and go home. The longer they stay the more evident it becomes that they really are up to no good and are wasting the tax payers' money. In spite of all they might claim with words like restructuring the tax code, doing away with teacher tenure, revising state employment job termination options, messing with voting districts, marriage laws, photo ID's to vote, only to mention a few, I think they have done plenty of damage and just need to go home and not return period! Period, I mean, like stay home forever!

These people have generated some of the most ridiculous pieces of legislation ever! It sometimes seems they got their ideas from a brainstorming session when they were all stoned. Words like vengeance, pay back, gotcha, are some that go through the mind.

One can only hope that the voters of North Carolina wake up by the next time they vote---and, oh yes, be certain to take your photograph and proof of address if you want your vote to count!

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