Saturday, February 14, 2015

Perpetuating Wallowing

In our area of this marvelous world occurred a great tragedy this week with the slaying of three gifted students two of whom were studying to be dentists and another in undergraduate school. Whether the agitation and aggravation which caused these slayings stemmed from intentional actions, we may never know. Much of the true detail has yet to be rolled out.

However, the saddest part of this event (if it may be termed so) has been (once again) the action or reaction of the press. We can expect human emotions to be what they are because lives were taken. Lawlessness seemed to reign supreme thus emotions and vocal outbursts were everywhere as many had much to say. But rather than letting people handle this tragedy in their own way the press had to get involved and rather than reporting facts and leaving it there, they hang around probing, the "in your face" kind of reporting that is difficult for families and relatives. The distateful part of all of this to me is that it seems to encourage perpetual wallowing in the remnants of an event most individuals were powerless to prevent.

The charge of it being a "hate crime" is being alleged according to the press by the families of those lost. Since the three individuals lost were of the Muslim faith one can easily understand their thought paths -- a direct reflection of world events at this time. A charge of "hate crime" would be difficult to prove in a court of law. Not much is on the law books of our nation in this area of law. These parents and families are hurting at this time. Give them space and time to grieve their losses. Let the individuals specializing in the laws of the land handle their investigations and proceed with the business at hand. AND please send the press home to report on something positive someone has done for a change! Stop perpetuating wallowing!

Monday, February 2, 2015

Tribute to Denver C Harper

On the morning of January 30, 2015 the mantle of patriarch of the Denver Harper branch of the Harper Family passed from father to son as Denver parted the veil and passed to the other side to dwell again with family members having gone before, and to await future arrival of others he loves following their earthly sojourns. Leaving behind his mortal body with its frailties, he is now able to enjoy a renewed freedom of spirit.

Denver lived a very full earthly life having been born a farm boy to parents in the eastern sandy plains of the state of North Carolina. He along with five brothers and one sister labored long hours on the family farm in their early formative years. As a young adult he went off to BYU to further his education and met a young lassie from Cardston, Alberta, Canada. After serving a mission for his church he married this young lady in the Cardston Temple and proceeded to raise a lovely family. Their earthly family is composed of two sons and four daughters. One sweet daughter passed away shortly after birth and a son who lived to adulthood, Ricky (Richard Wayne) was killed in a tragic vehicle accident shortly before he could serve an earthly mission for his church. Now many grandchildren and their families are added to that growing family circle.

He was honored to serve his country with a career in the US Army. He and his family traveled to countries and states as he served with honor. His career included a stint in the tragic fields of Viet Nam during that conflict. As I recall, he was stationed in the jungles of an area known to the world as Ahn Ke serving as a helicopter pilot and perhaps leading a unit in that valley. He retired with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel.
When I married his younger brother and into this family he and his family were living in Germany and returned back to the states some years later. After this assignment they lived in Virginia and Savannah, the latter being a choice assignment to the family as their darling Cheri became part of their family during this time.

He was the “bestest” brother-in-law a girl could hope for. In later years when my husband became ill, he came to visit and help us as Ken’s last days on this earth waned. This was a few months after he had cut the end of his finger off and had it re-attached while using his snow-blower. I remember hearing that his snow blower got lots of use as he used it to blow the snow from the walkways and porches of others in his community who needed his assistance.
After Ken’s death I settled into a new smaller home. Soon I had visitors who came to help ----guess who. I wish I could remember all he helped me accomplish during this and other visits--- tasks that were a pain for me to try to do --- some which just needed the muscles of the opposite gender. ( Lucille helped supervise and boost my spirits.) Once he helped me spread about forty-five bales of pine straw in the natural areas in back of my home and under the deck. Not a pleasant task but he insisted. That time, as I recall, he had returned to NC for a high school reunion. He even walked my schnauzer girl, Sassy, (for me) in my community and reported back when one of my grumpy neighbors complained as he passed by about dogs. Ah, what a super duper brother-in-law.
He often called just to check on me and my well-being and chat for a few minutes. I always loved touching bases with him and his family via our conversations. Always the perfect gentleman, having been born of goodly southern parents!

He came last when he brought his children to visit NC and to attend a reunion of his old church ward in Albertson, North Carolina. I had had knee surgery and was limping around like everybody’s great grandma and he and those kids were ready for some southern fun. How I envied them!!! He enjoyed his family to the fullest extent, enjoyed being with them and helping them when they needed. Each summer as long as possible he enjoyed having an extended family outing where they all could enjoy time together complete with boating and sports activities. (Bear Lake, Utah for many years, as I recall.)

In more recent years following the loss of his beloved Lucille in 2005, he did not have to look too far to find another with whom to spend his last seven plus years. He married lovely Janice in 2007 and they were fortunate to spend time together and time shared with their family.

We will all miss him as we continue our journeys here in mortality and will remember with a great deal of fondness the days when he was part of our earthly sojourn.
Farewell for a while Father, Husband, Uncle, Grandfather, Brother-in-law -----we WILL meet again.