Saturday, February 14, 2015

Perpetuating Wallowing

In our area of this marvelous world occurred a great tragedy this week with the slaying of three gifted students two of whom were studying to be dentists and another in undergraduate school. Whether the agitation and aggravation which caused these slayings stemmed from intentional actions, we may never know. Much of the true detail has yet to be rolled out.

However, the saddest part of this event (if it may be termed so) has been (once again) the action or reaction of the press. We can expect human emotions to be what they are because lives were taken. Lawlessness seemed to reign supreme thus emotions and vocal outbursts were everywhere as many had much to say. But rather than letting people handle this tragedy in their own way the press had to get involved and rather than reporting facts and leaving it there, they hang around probing, the "in your face" kind of reporting that is difficult for families and relatives. The distateful part of all of this to me is that it seems to encourage perpetual wallowing in the remnants of an event most individuals were powerless to prevent.

The charge of it being a "hate crime" is being alleged according to the press by the families of those lost. Since the three individuals lost were of the Muslim faith one can easily understand their thought paths -- a direct reflection of world events at this time. A charge of "hate crime" would be difficult to prove in a court of law. Not much is on the law books of our nation in this area of law. These parents and families are hurting at this time. Give them space and time to grieve their losses. Let the individuals specializing in the laws of the land handle their investigations and proceed with the business at hand. AND please send the press home to report on something positive someone has done for a change! Stop perpetuating wallowing!

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