Thursday, October 4, 2018

Me 2

This could be deemed the year of coming forth with your deepest most painful secrets.  It would seem that some put themselves up for public positions knowing there shouldn't be dirty secrets in your closet.  SO I did some serious soul searching about whether I had secrets I would be embarrassed were they exposed.  Anything I might have done would be mild by today's standards. 

However, there are some things I am not totally proud of and wish I had never been a part of.
How about you? 

I have never smoked nor have I been an alcohol drinker not even wine.  So I can't claim I did it because I was inebriated.  Therefore, I would need to take the blame for my own stupid acts.  This is just Me 2 fessing up. 

I am no saint.... but I am no.............either.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

My gracious, it has been a while since I wrote here.  Not that there has been much to write about.  Sometimes having so much to write about makes it even more difficult.
So time has passed and using a blog as a way of journaling seems out of "vogue" in 2018.

Since I last blogged I have two new bionic knees.  Though the pain is gone I don't feel so steady all of the time and fear falling a bunch.  Could be bcause my surgeon told me it takes 18 months for each knee to completely heal and I am while from 18 months on the first surgery.

At this point we have  the craziest disobedient non law abiding president I have known in my lifetime.  Only tie will tell how this presidency turns out.