Thursday, May 13, 2010

Honoring MY QUEEN

The limp continued and progressed to a dangling right foreleg. Back to vet we went to say, "The adequan prescribed did not help the limp, it has gotten worse." Off to NC State Vet School campus to the MRI scanning we were sent on Ken's death date anniversary (of all the dates possible.) Then came the painful, dreadful call. Our Queen, Sassy, has cancer -- a brachial plexus tumor which has invaded the spinal cord and other nerves. Proposed treatment: amputate the front foreleg, use chemo and radiation. Proposed result: Buy a little time with the same final result -- there is no cure.
I felt like I had been hit with a startling blow not just in the heart but the whole body. I listened, I thought, and then I asked my vet what would you do? Surprisingly her answer paralled exactly what I was thinking. She gave me the weekend to think about it and promised to leave me some prescriptions to pick up.
After I hung up I held my Queen for what had to be several hours and cried as I stroked her furry body. She has been my lifeline since Ken went away. My family bought her for me for Christmas 1998. She gave me a reason to get up and go and enjoy the day when I was overcome with grief and just didn't feel like it.
How can I ever let her go?

Do dogs have souls? There are lots of opinions out there. Will she be mine and with me in the life here after? I love her like a member of my family even if she is canine. She is very attached to me and totally loyal. And I might add as well, she is dependent on me. So I have dried my tears for now and decided that my Queen will be treated like royality for the days we have left together.


Grandma and Grandpa B said...

So sorry to hear the horrible news about Sassy! Our hearts and prayers are with you.

Gina O'Gorman said...

I am so sorry to hear about Sassy. I honestly believe dogs have souls. How can something love us unconditionally despite our flaws not have a soul? I feel your pain and want you to know my thoughts are with you, Sassy and Piper.