Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Shoulder Shenanigans

Has it really been a year? I can't really say how long ago it seems. I dislocated my right shoulder in a weird, clumsy fall, broke my humerus and tore all of the muscles off of the rotator cuff. Guess that is reason enough for it to take a year to get the feeling back to my arm and shoulder. Can you believe that it has taken that long to actually have strange sensations in that joint? My arm has been a little numb close to the joint since I stopped physical therapy. Slowly that feeling is starting to return and more and more I realize what I can and can not do and where I can not reach. Not fun!! I have very little sustaining strength in trying to do tasks above my shoulders. It just gives away and is "so tired" I can't support the upward motion. What to do??
Get to work on strength building exercises and weight lifting! Don't complain, get started! Only I can do it. It is all up to me! That is my task. My other is to be grateful for the things I can do and what I have accomplished in regaining the use and for the healing of my shoulder and arm. I am deeply grateful and very thankful to have a healthy body!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

My Mood

What is this mood I'm in? I can think of lots of unflattering words to describe it. I think I have writer's block. I have written at least a half dozen entries and trashed each one. Didn't like the finished product. I have not been happy with the "look" nor content of this blog so I may dump the whole thing shortly. That is my mood. The last time I felt this way I dumped the entire blog and started over -- content and all. Is this what you call burnout?? I can sympathize with my former students (to whom)I taught writing throughout my career-- those who had difficulty coming up with a writing product that made them happy. Sometimes the ideas just do not flow and the power of expression goes on vacation. That seems to sum it up.

Saturday, June 12, 2010


Have you ever had dreams that were more like nightmares than dreams? And have you had recurring dreams that disturb you to the extent that they "haunt" you. You wonder why you keep having these same dreams?
I have been in this dreaming pattern for some while now. So much so that I talked to my favorite doctor about them. Though the workings of the inner mind would be within his realm of specialty he told me he did not put "much stock" (which I took to be value) into dreams or interpreting them. But I continue to have these dreams. Most often they involve my deceased husband and more recently I have had one that involves a former employer. I often dream of teaching school and some random crazy situation(s) with teaching school but I am able to cast those aside and consider that they have been triggered by thirty plus years ot teaching youngsters and the unbelievable situations that often come about in that setting. Thirty years of that equal a book that might resemble comedy and tragedy!!

Some people believe dreams have definite meaning. I question that but know that they can be especially bothersome.

Friday, June 11, 2010


Music is power or better said music has power. Various musical instruments exude power. Music can set the mood for most any event or mood. I was one of those small children who had an insatiable curiosity of musical instruments in all of their complexity. As a result my Mother took an interest in being certain that I was exposed to music and how it was created. I started to study practically as soon as I knew my ABC's. I studied with a teacher who was a graduate of the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music and definitely would be considered "old school or high brow" today. The great composers were the core of the lessons I was taught. Music theory lessons were a regular happening in my two one-hour lessons each week. Mrs. Cooney was a very serious teacher and taskmaster.
Why do I write about this? I suppose I am trying to research the recesses of my mind for the true reason that I really detest some kinds of music and music in certain settings. Certain types of music "drive me crazy" when I am trying to focus. Lest you start to think I only like Mozart and Beethoven let me reassure you that such is not the case. I do not like country and western music much but I do have much appreciation for fiddling! A good instrumental "hoedown" can't be beat at the right time.
When I started junior high school I became involved in both orchestra and band. Today I value and benefit from the background knowledge I gained through these experiences. Later in my life I turned from piano to organ as in church organs. As I learned to blend the stops on an organ to get the desired sounds I needed for various styles of church music I drew from the bank of knowledge stored as I learned full the instrumentation ( parts) of both orchestra and band. Today when I blend stops ( for music I play for different events) I use both my ear and that info bank.
You might observe music in the different settings you visit. Music is available as never before due to the technology from which it can be produced. It produces great sound effects for movies
and commentaries. It can be totally melodic and pleasing to the ear or it can eerie and help create a frightening mood. It is such an available resource that it is often used inappropriately. In my opinion one of those ways is when it blares at me when I read an individual's blog. I hate it and hasten to turn the sound down so I do not have to tolerate it. Sorry Folks, but that is the way it is!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Fickle June

June has arrived in all of its splendor. The month with the longest day of the year. I have a love-hate affair going on with this month. I love the month but dread when days start getting shorter. Did you realize that by the end of the month the days actually start to shorten little by little?? Since you can't fool Mother Nature there is simply nothing I can do about this "rule of the universe" but that doesn't make me happy about it all! I have a super-duper case of Light Affective Disorder and should live on top of the equator! I have decided that the best thing for me to do is to put my shoulder to the wheel (that means get busy in case I speak funny) and just ignore what I can't control! So many things I can't control lately--the sale of my coastal home, the sickness of my schnauzer, Sassy, etc., etc.!!! Sounds like I am going to be ignoring "stuff" for a long time, huh? Not sure I am up to that either. I am thinking I should do like all of the rest of America and write a book about my adventures. Maybe I could make a little money if I can't win the lottery. Do you think anyone would read my book? Could you help me with a title? Maybe it could be something like, "Dishing on the Inner Workings of Elementary Schools." Wow, would that be a winner?