Saturday, June 12, 2010


Have you ever had dreams that were more like nightmares than dreams? And have you had recurring dreams that disturb you to the extent that they "haunt" you. You wonder why you keep having these same dreams?
I have been in this dreaming pattern for some while now. So much so that I talked to my favorite doctor about them. Though the workings of the inner mind would be within his realm of specialty he told me he did not put "much stock" (which I took to be value) into dreams or interpreting them. But I continue to have these dreams. Most often they involve my deceased husband and more recently I have had one that involves a former employer. I often dream of teaching school and some random crazy situation(s) with teaching school but I am able to cast those aside and consider that they have been triggered by thirty plus years ot teaching youngsters and the unbelievable situations that often come about in that setting. Thirty years of that equal a book that might resemble comedy and tragedy!!

Some people believe dreams have definite meaning. I question that but know that they can be especially bothersome.

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