Sunday, March 25, 2012

TAXES...we got taxes!!! Tons & tons of taxes!!!

Taxes, taxes, taxes!! How I hate this part of the year....or maybe that is not stated correctly. I do not like having to spoil my enjoyment of Spring with the worry and disgust of doing my taxes. That would be Taxation Without(_______).....don't know what goes in that blank just yet. Anyhow....this year my taxes are quite complicated -- for me, anyway!! I stopped using the CPA I used for some while when Ken was sick and there after. She charged me what I thought was an unrealistic amount for one hour of conversation----thus I dropped her services. Now, on to find someone to help with "my task" --- my taxes. Don't know which way to turn in finding someone to trust with this task!!!

So... I stuck my handy Turbo Tax disc in this computer and have already done my regular annual income tax. That part I have finished on my own.... no problem there.....Turbo is good. But the sale of property, some of which was inheritance is a great big pain in the posterior!!
More later when I finish this tax----hopefully!!!

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