Thursday, April 5, 2012

Ramblings About Thangs!!

A "serious observation"....this blog has received so very many hits from odd places ( not friends) since posting the last installment on hating my name that I have concluded that there must be a tremendous interest out there in "blog land" about names or the meaning of names. I titled it "What's in a Name" more because of being teased about being called a "battle maiden" than anything else. Not because I was writing about there being some serious and real meaning and depth to the whole issue of "name meanings." Lots to ponder about that. Still don't like my name any better!!

Further, I finally have my taxes finished and filed -- and it isn't even April 17th yet. I had worried so much about taxes this year due to the capital gains calculations that I had myself in a real southern tizzy!! Maybe my stomach can relax back to its normal whatever! My shoulders are a bit better without the burden of that worry. Don't know why I let taxes worry me so.

And lots of worry tonight about strawberries freezing. With all of the warm weather we have gotten ahead by some weeks on planting and harvesting. I have loved every degree of the mildness of the weather so I can't complain. However, I do hope the strawberry crop can be saved. NC has such delicious strawberries!!

My final thought for tonight is gas prices. We have arrived at that magic threshold when many of us are forced to look at our travel practices. Maybe we should notice how we drive as well, and not speed up only to have to slow down so very much. Four dollars or more a gallon gives the system a startling shock.

Signing off for the night......

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