Monday, December 31, 2012

2012, 2013 & Resolutions

Today marks the end of year 2012. It has been a most interesting year. Some events we enjoyed, others we would prefer to forget, as with all years. By means of technology in all places in the world we are exposed to more than we some times want to see. Some of that which we see is amazing and some simply horrifying and mortifying. While it helps to document events and happenings, sometimes there is just too much information for an old mortal to digest!
As I write this, it is already 2013 in some areas of the world. It is 7 PM in the evening and fireworks are going off all around my home in a suburb subdivision. My doggie girls get terribly upset with the sounds of the popping and cracking. Not certain what kind of evening this will be if it continues into the wee hours of the morning.

Ah, well.....Happy 2013 Everyone!! I am again on New Year's Day back to add some more to this entry. We survived all of the fireworks for the moment. It must be time to cook the black-eyed peas, collards and pork, I think! I know the greens represent money but I can't remember the symbolism for the other items.

I think we are "supposed" to make some resolutions to break for the year of 2013. I am so old I can't even remember any I made for last year. That is what I call OLD -- when you can't even remember something so important. Oh wait, when did THAT get to be important.

Hmmm...let's see....resolutions...for 2013...that would be...
1. Perfect procrastination
2. Procrastinate
3. Become more Tech Saavy
4. Rewind Ambition and Energy
5. Have Fun
6. Enjoy Life

That's it Folks!! Surely hope I don't forget numbers 3 and 4 this year.

Saturday, December 22, 2012


Do you remember those English lessons most of us endured in school about pronouns?
We learned about possessive pronouns, personal pronouns, and all of their cousins and family members. Well, apparently it didn't take or to put it another way, those lessons kind of went in one ear and out the other!

If you do not believe me try looking at some of the posts on social sites. Soon you realize that either folks do not proofread what they write or that they do not know which or what is correct. Sometimes you see nicely prepared signs or sayings with incorrect pronouns posted by your friends.
Do you ever wonder why they would post them if they know they are not grammatically correct? Am I the only one who wonders?

Friday, December 21, 2012

Short Days

These short days are almost more than one can stand!! Seriously. Today is supposed to be the end of the world according to the Mayan calendar but since it doesn't seem to be, I will continue to lament, complain, grouch, whine, whatever because I hate them so!! is the first day of winter and the shortest day of the year.

Soon --- perhaps in a few days.....the day will start to lengthen. It can not come any too soon for me. My Dad always told me we added one minute to each day and by the end of January I could usually tell by the length of the days that he was correct.

Will anyone we as happy as I will be????

Saturday, December 15, 2012

School Security Measures

The horrendous tragedy in Connecticut brings forth anew the question that schools hassle with on a consistent basis. How do you keep schools safe? As an educator I can truthfully say that we worked at it daily every minute of the day. Our students and their safety was always in the "forefront" of the mind.

I worked in public schools for too many years to confess and the longer I worked the tighter security within and around schools became. That should be an all telling factor of our society and its problems. This past school year I worked as a volunteer in a middle school media center in a school system other than the one in which I worked as an employee. Security measures were tight in the middle school, as well, with a full-time security officer on duty at all times.

I read a news report last evening which contained the letter written by the principal of the Newtown, Connecticut school concerning security policies and measures for the school year. It was detailed and set forth policies to be followed. Doors locked at 9:30 AM each morning. To gain access to the building you had to go through an identification process. This young man (killer) forced his way into the building and killed the principal and guidance counselor on his way to the classrooms to murder these children and teachers.

Who has the answer to this question? School systems and administrators work at policies for keeping students safe within the constraints of their budgets constantly.
Of course, the first thing you hear are calls for gun control which is a political hot button not necessarily divided by political party. The constitution guarantees the right to bear arms.
Interpreting the meaning of that right is another issue!!

Would states have the money to fund a security officer for the door of each school in this nation to better guarantee the safety of students? What is the answer to this huge, huge issue?? Any viable suggestions?

Thursday, December 13, 2012


I have got to be the oldest old person in town. I just can't come up with any appreciation for certain young singers. In the last few days I have heard all of this "twitter" about TS coming to town for a concert. One news person was all in a twitter about the tickets being sold out. I couldn't help but wonder what they did with the tickets --- pay someone to take them and attend.

So much has been written about the young blond who claims to be a singer in the past few months concerning her so-called romance with a certain young Kennedy. I am not certain that he knew (for sure) that he was in a romance. Then she hauled off and bought a house across the road from his family in Hyannis. Next there was the fiasco at someone's wedding when she came with so & so Kennedy and according to the news was dis-invited. Is that a word?? Twasn't too long before the supposed romance ended.

Anyway Raleigh residents should be forewarned that she is coming to town to sing those songs she made up about all of her romances and anything else that has happened in her short life. Don't know for sure but 'tis said that she reveals all in her songs. Soon she will be polluting the air with her latest -- something like--- Just sloshin' in the shower, washing off my funkies, wishing I had the power, to summon my rubber duckies.

Run, Raleigh, Run!!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Life is a Gift

I always enjoy the Tabernacle Choir Broadcasts. The music is wonderful and the messages uplifting and so often appropriate for needs whether spoken or not voiced. I enjoyed this recent message. Perhaps anyone reading or snooping on this blog might also. I am copying it to my blog for my own benefit.

“One Simple Gesture”

Have you ever received a gift that you could tell was made just for you? Not something that was mass produced and purchased from a department store, but something a loved one caringly crafted with you in mind. Maybe the craftsmanship wasn't perfect, but you were more than willing to overlook any imperfections because you could sense the love of the giver in the gift.

It has been suggested that “if we thought of life as a gift, we might not demand nearly as much from it.”1 One family who sees life as a gift started a tradition that before eating their family dinner, they would take a moment to express a prayer of gratitude. It's a little thing, but it reminds every member of that family to look heavenward and acknowledge the source of their good fortune.

No one's life is perfect, but everyone's life is a gift. One woman who was experiencing many of life's challenges and sorrows decided that she would set her alarm five minutes early and spend those extra minutes lying in bed thinking of all the good things in her life. She has followed this ritual for many years now, and though she gets a little less sleep every night, the spirit of gratitude starts her day off right. Not only does it help her recognize her blessings, but it also helps her enjoy them more fully.

Perhaps we ought to be a little more deliberate about seeing the simple goodness that surrounds us. Some days it's not easy to count our blessings, but those are the days when it's most important to try. Think of the air you breathe, the beauty of the earth, the loving people you know, and the good things that fill your days. Look for them and be grateful for them. Rejoice in the gift of life, and you will begin to feel the love of the Giver of the gift.