Monday, March 11, 2013

Legislating Health

Admittedly, I am earth's oldest blogging person and as such I will write today about my amazement at what is legislated these days. How did we ever live before we had congressmen and leaders to tell us how to run our lives?? Even what we should and should not eat and drink!! Of late, it seems that the officials in New York have decided that citizens drink too many sugary drinks up north and they (the officials) must legislate to keep folks from killing themselves on good ole sugar!! Inasmuch as John Q Public has not enough self control to manage his appetite and thirst, the governor and the mayor must take over and not allow folks to have great big sweet drinks when thirsty. I am so, so glad they have not tried yet to manage a southerners thirst for sweet tea! Talk about a southern uprising, whoo wee, the Civil War could hold no light to the uprising that would come out of this place!! A North Carolina Tea Party in full measure! (I know this writing does not follow rules of writing but who cares!)

Back to our health, everyday there is something new that we are not doing or doing that contributes to our poor state of health and the need of ObamaCare. We eat too much processed food; we eat too much meat; we eat too many hot dogs; we don't drink enough milk; we do not sleep enough hours; we eat too many of the wrong kind of carbohydrates; we consume the incorrect kind of fats; we are all too fat; we take too much Tylenol; we aren't good about eating a balanced breakfast; we eat fast food; and today I learned we are putting Splenda in the waste water when we tinkle!! Splenda is sucarose or sucralose or some such!! And it is bad for you!
Would somebody hand me a baloney sandwich, please!

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