Saturday, June 22, 2013

Views of the Newz

What an interesting week we have had in the old North State! Early in the week it was announced that a former governor had passed away. He was one of the GOP's finest if measured by the fact that he seemed to be a gentleman and he loved his home state. When compared to politicians of today -- at least the ones who occupy the offices and dominate the legislature today, he ranked at the top and most of these clowns are scrambling to see who can blow the others out of the bottom. Of course, it was dutifully noted that he was governor at a time when both houses were of the opposite party and he had to learn to work with them -- quite the contrast with today. But learn to work with them, he did. In so doing he made life long friends with people of both parties and won respect from all. So he was eulogized and laid to rest -- er, I mean cremated and his ashes interred.

As the week wore on a certain cooking diva was charged with using the forbidden word that starts with....well, you know. So she is in real trouble with P R issues and thus has fallen out of favor. She has been dumped off of all her cooking shows, I guess she could be deemed "undesirable" by all at this point. It seems she was answering questions honestly as to whether she had ever uttered certain words and she dared to admit she has/had! I am not certain when her crucifixion will be held but the sooner the better. She has apologized publicly and put it out there that "she has sinned" and is begging for forgiveness but there "ain't none fer her!" RIP Cooking Diva! Oh, and this is not the first time she has sinned. She had earlier gotten in trouble because she has always cooked these yummy, sinful, fattening, forbidden, delicious foods and then it was exposed that she is a Type II diabetic. Right away she had to stop indulging so the news media got her for that one, too. That helped with her de-throning!

The last exciting newz I will discuss is the Omaha baseball fiasco! Two of our major locals qualified. First, when they got there they beat up on each other. Then UCLA beat up on one of them and sent that group home. A few days passed and UCLA beat up on the other group and sent them packing! Now they both are back here in the southeast having their wounds tended to. We just all hope the fierce fearsome athletic director at the school in our town doesn't decide to cut away the baseball coach because his group got whooped in the process at the great Omaha happening! That is about it for the newz for this week!

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