Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Jes Rambling!!

This is just rambling --- if you don't like rambling -- don't bother to read a word of it!!

So....this is my entry on a July day from the glorious steamy south. I think I shall write about whatever comes to mind on this day ---because this is my blog and I can! How is that for an attitude! The attitude is so "bad" that it closely resembles that of the legislators of this state now in session for the umpteenth week. I have lived in this state more years than I have lived in any other and having lived in the capital city have witnessed a lot of legislative sessions. Of all, this is the wildest ever!! These folks are just undisciplined and crazy. There is really not another adequate way to describe them. At the moment they are reforming abortion laws in the state. The governor (and this is significant because the governor and legislative majority are of like parties) keeps telling the legislators that he will veto their bill the way it is written should they pass it and send it to him. Last night they re-wrote the bill and tagged it onto another piece of legislation while most of their constituents were getting their sleeping hours in. Today the governor again reminded them of his intentions. He keeps saying there is a fine line between safety and denial of access.????? Go figure! While I personally feel abortion is morally wrong there are a few instances in which it might have to happen -- and I don't know for a surety exactly when life begins so I will not debate that here.

On to other issues -- the Brunswick County beaches are under attack for safety because folks keep swimming out and getting caught in rip tides, Last week was especially deadly. It seems many, many swimmers don't understand what to do or how to swim parallel to the coast to get out of the current, panic, and perhaps do all of the wrong things. Several have died trying to save others. Then last night another deck fell from a condo second floor onto a concrete patio injuring a majority of the twenty-five people located on it. According to hospital reports lots suffered broken bones, lacerations, trauma and shock. They were fortunate the injuries weren't worse. It would be wonderful to have a nice quiet rest of the summer but knowing the nature of the human spirit .....well, I rather not say more.

My own troubles as of today consist of two areas but first let me comment on one area for which I am eternally grateful. It is summer time and the time of year when I usually make those annual appointments for a physical and all of the other components required therein. So thus far, I have had the physical part from my family doctor, seen the dermatologist for needed attention and treatment and had that annual mammogram. The next visit scheduled is the dreaded colonoscopy since the tenth year has rolled up since the last one!! Let's just get it over this month and get on with whatever. I have been blessed with very good health and often have feelings of guilt wondering whether I have used my days on this earth as I should. I retired several years ago after dislocating and breaking my shoulder and tearing the muscles off the rotator cuff. That part of me is put together with a little titanium and I am on go again! So...I would love to get a job and just go back to work and work for the rest of my life -- if I productively could. I love being busy and "anxiously engaged" in something I enjoy doing. I enjoy doing service for others as well. I taught school beginning at age nineteen until a few years ago. Seems I need to do something related but what???????? I worked with gifted students, regular classroom students, remedial Math deficient students and teachers. I am thinking....what to do....!

My other area of concern is the health of my older schnauzer girl and learning how to manage diabetes in a canine It is a daily puzzle. I am learning - - but perhaps slowly. I lost my first schnauzer to cancer -- a mean one that entangled itself into the blood vessels and muscles of my little girl. It was hard to watch her and then have to make that dreadful decision for her. Life is full of tough decisions.

I am finished ramblin' for now! No more -- gone!

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