Saturday, July 6, 2013

Piper's Schnauzer IQ

Well, folks I am here to declare that my doggie's IQ is either on the rise or mine is declining superfast!! My Piper schnauzer has been back in the vet hospital for several days this week due to problems with the diabetes and pancreatitis. I checked her out and brought her home about mid-day yesterday. Since then I feel like I have been walking on eggs trying to trip my way through this disease and its compiications. I brought home three types of canned dog food recommended by the veteranians. She doesn't want any of them thus I have a problem. They are all low calorie / low fat. She thinks they are yuck (and so do I)!!I can't get her to eat more than a taste or two ---unless it is a treat!! She will be glad to eat all of those you will allow in addition to one kind of kibble that I have with a fat content too high for her with pancreatitis.

I was talking to her this morning and trying to bribe her along while she was playing really sick. I asked her if she wanted to go for a walk. She listened. I asked if she wanted to go outside. She listened and we did. We went into the yard and tinkled and came back inside. She drank a lap or two of water and I then insulted her again by trying to get her to eat some of the yucky food. All the while I am talking to her. I came through the house and was doing several things and here she comes.....trot..trot..trot..and takes a stance near me. I moved around working and she follows me, takes a stance and looks up at me again. So, I start questioning her trying to figure out what she needs. When I exhausted the list several times I remembered I had mentioned the magic word -- walk -- again. That was it!! So, we put on the leash and out we go for a walk -- in the heat and humidity. She loved it --walked, smelled, tinkled, pooed, walked some more, smelled, and tinkled. We walked a pretty good distance and then came back.

When we got home she got some water and was resting. I insulted her again by offering some more of the yucky stuff which she promptly refused! So.....I am left with the dilemma. What am I going to feed this girl? Oh, and I forgot to mention that exercise decreases the need for insulin. Thus, I have another problem! Balance the insulin with the food and exercise!
What do you think??? I am thinking I am not toooo smart!!

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