Thursday, August 21, 2014

Just Like Me!!

I can not believe how much I am just like me...all of the time. By that I mean I am shocked that my thought patterns are the same. You see....I came back to my blog and looked at posts I had started and shelved last year. The following is the beginning entry from last August..... I think it is just disgusting that we are halfway to the autumnal equinox! I so looked forward to Spring and Summer and it has not disappointed. While it has not been excessively warm this summer and the Spring was cool I am ***********
It stopped right at that point and I shelved it without going one word further.

Now, what could be strange about that?? The fact that I had been thinking those exact same words over the last several weeks. Why should that surprise me or even disgust me, as it did?? I am not really sure except that I guess I thought I was getting better, improving that is! What a bummer! I am the same ole same ole, as my late husband used to say. Moving forward how am I going to change this. Guess I am open for suggestions, anyone got some??

In the meantime, I am always sad when Fall makes its appearance. I have had lots of ideas of why this might be so. But I think it is a little unusual because I was born in the Fall. I am a late October baby. I am thinking that I should stop this nonsense of hating on winter because I am AGE-ED -- which means the days I have left on this good earth are obviously growing shorter. I should make every possible effort to enjoy each one to its fullest extent. One more question---why did it take me so long to discover this??

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