Monday, January 5, 2015

Cotton-Pickin' Politics

I admit it....I read the newspaper regularly. I follow politics and political issues. Sometimes political issues irritate me "right out of my frame," so to speak! However, I have learned over the considerable years of my life that I have very little power to influence the outcome of political decisions. Certainly, I can vote and I do. I could lobby, write letters, arrange appointments with political representatives but....I have come to realize that many of those whom we elect pay little attention to our requests, reasoning, and opinions once elected and in office. This is not the way the system is supposed to work --- we all know this but.....unfortunately 'it is what it is,' as I use an overused cliche'.

As for political views, I am not certain I could be identified with any political party, thus I am an Independent. However, in this state I am identified as Unaffiliated. Go figure. Independent versus Unaffiliated!!

What I have learned is this, it does not pay to get your panties in a wad or your britches in a stitch over these issues alone. If you find you are able to align yourself with a group of individuals who represent your thinking, have influence, and the ability to approach reform in a lawful and acceptable manner you might have impact. Otherwise, try not to waste your energy and blow your blood pressure out of the water thinking you, alone, can control a bunch of politicians once they have that all important thing called "power!" Once that happens, they go deaf!!

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