Friday, January 16, 2015

Washing Machines and Jewelry

And so it goes....I did my research!!! I mean I truly did my research. My washing machine died back in the fall; it was only about sixteen years old, maybe! So I started checking out new machines knowing detergent had changed but without a full knowledge of what that meant in terms of washing machine re-design. How convoluted can an issue be!! I learned that rather than all machines being driven by an agitator in the center the newer designs were what is known as impellers. From what understanding I could gain this design is one in which water and a cleaning agent is forced through the dirty clothing to clean them. I had my doubts. All of the studies I could find verified my doubts. Some of those purchasing and using these machines indicated they were satisfied and a significant number indicated they were less than pleased and felt their clothes were not as clean with the impeller system as with an agitator.

I continued my quest of finding a new machine. I went from store to store. I talked with salesman after salesman. Pretty soon it was obvious they did not like my shopping techniques or my questions. They seemed to wonder why I just didn't play stupid, buy a machine, and leave. I asked too many questions, I asked about complaints, feedback, their understanding of how the machines operated and cleaned the clothing. I wore myself out. I was getting nowhere. I was bent on finding the best agitator machine possible. What I found was a large collection of available impeller machines by various companies and very few makers of agitators available locally for purchase.

I continue to be angry with myself for my choice. I hate to admit that I finally gave up. Rather than buy an agitator (type) which appeared to be more cheaply made machines lacking features I let myself be talked into buying an impeller type machine. And as I had gleaned from the reviews and studies, my own experience has been no different. An impeller machine does not clean clothes as well as does an agitator. With that being said, there are legitimate complaints about agitators such as clothing being caught around the agitator post. Most of the mentioned complaints were of lesser importance than the cleanliness of clothing to me. I have found myself putting items through several wash cycles before I could even accept their level of cleanliness. Stay tuned. I may pitch this washing machine out any day in a fit of Irish anger known only to Daugherty descendants. Then I will again be looking for agitator machines hoping they are still making them!

By the way, I also bought a new dryer and its performance is quite acceptable.

Now to my deal with jewelry In recent years, fashion has been on a bend of low necklines. Seemingly to go along with that, costume jewelry has been caught up in a revival of necklaces to fill that void of exposed neckline and cleavage. It is strand after strand of logging chains with some colored crystals or beads hung on them. While they started out looking quite attractive, as they have evolved they just get tackier and tackier. Need I add that I don't think many of them do a lot for accessorizing an outfit. Don't get me wrong. I love jewelry --but with a bit more class. Just my one needs to agree.

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