Saturday, January 30, 2010

Waiting -- Part II

Our last experience with waiting resulted in a trip back to Duke for a cornea check. Got to read the eye chart thingey all over again -- I guess the first time was just practice, huh?? To my delight there just was no waiting with this 8AM visit. So now I know the formula -- take the 8 AM appointment, fight the I-540 and I-40 traffic, arrive early, and you have no waiting -- or at least not this time.
And then there was a wonderful report on the transplanted corneas. The doctor examined them thoroughly and said they were great. They work so well and I am so grateful that I can see without glasses. I never expected such splendid results but I have been truly blessed. I expected to still wear glasses but hoped to be able to see without a shadow in front of my eye that sometimes never went away during the day.
What lesson has been learned about waiting? I think that sometimes these emergencies do pile up in waiting rooms and a number of patients may be scheduled who are truly high maintenance or very needy without thought to the depth of their needs. It pays to be patient and sometimes just to go home and come again!

Friday, January 22, 2010

SomeOne to Lean On

The last two years have brought unusual financial strain(s) to the inhabitants of our great country. Many have suffered and still do, some are rumored to have taken their own lives as a result of the worry and stress. Many are unemployed and those who are able to find jobs have had to take sizeable cuts in salaries meaning they have a lot less to live on from month to month.
Yet amidst these circumstances it is remarkable to watch the response of the citizens of this nation when another nation suffers tragedy as has happened in Haiti recently. Americans reach deep down in their pockets to give and many go to the area to work in rescue and search teams as well as medical teams to help these people rise from this devastation. Entertainers organize and unite their efforts to raise money to donate to assist in providing fundamental necessities of life and the vast medical needs of the wounded.
Haiti has long been a nation living in the depths of poverty. In addition they have not been blessed with strong capable government leaders but rather weak leaders who have governed poorly. Let us pray for these people and trust that Heaven will bless and smile on them as they rebuild their nation.

Waiting -- Part I

I seriously doubt that many of us are good "waiters." The definition of waiter here is as in going for an appointment, arriving on time and waiting and waiting and waiting some more. No one comes out to communicate with you about why you are having to wait -- you simply are waiting. I always take a book or two when I go to Duke for a cornea appointment. Reading usually breaks up the time better than "people-watching." Even so I almost lost it on Tuesday after waiting three hours without any information or explanation. As I looked around me it seemed that some of the folks who came in after me were either gone or going into an examining room. Outside daylight was dimming as the sun proceeded to set in the winter sky. Impatience got the better of me and I got up from my seat and went around the corner to see the individual who seemed to be calling patients from the room. I inquired as to where I was in this rotation of patients to see the cornea specialist. Before she could answer another worker interjects that they have had emergencies and emergency surgeries today which have delayed the seeing of scheduled patients in the offices -- they have called for another cornea specialist to wash up and come down but he has not arrived. It is estimated that I am forty-five minutes to one hour from seeing the doctor. I looked at both of them and told them I had already waited three hours (my appointment was at 2:15 PM), and further that I could stay no longer. I needed to re-schedule and go. But first I needed to be reassured that I would not be charged for waiting today for an appointment that never happened. I am reassured that I can do that and we head for the desk with my medical records only to find that the receiving & appointment desk has already closed for the day.
As all of this is occuring with me patients start to flood around the corner with the same questions as my own.
I moved to the front desk, made my appointment for 8:30 AM next Tuesday, and made my way to the valet to get my car. I drove home as quickly as traffic on I-40 and I-540 would allow. I was a Schnauzer Mom on a mission. I had a sickly "child" at home.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Is Your Life Boring???

Do you ever wonder how boring your life is compared to the exciting ones of folks you know? Such is the case when you are a "widder" and live alone with two schnauzers! Why write a blog?? Who cares what happens in the "House of Dullsville?" ?? I wrote all last year and some of the year before of more interesting happenings (I think) and then erased it all. Didn't figure it mattered to anyone but me -- my sister found it dull!!
In our house the only patter of little feet generates from the patter of two girly canines who run the house. When you need someone to talk to you talk to them -- or worse yourself. At least canines listen and usually react ---talking to yourself is less productive.
Prior to this year I have taught school every year of my life since graduating from college. Every school day is anything but boring. I never had much time to wonder about boredom -- I had more than enough to plague my mind. As soon as a broken shoulder would allow in late summer and fall of this past year I spent many hours at the coast preparing my home there to sell it. Did not think much about boredom in that time frame either. So why I am pondering boredom now?? Go figure.
I think I will just get busy and put boredom away. How is that??

Monday, January 11, 2010

Family Loss

One dreads those early morning phone calls that bring unpleasant news. Such was the case last Monday when my phone rang between 6:30 AM and 7:00 AM. My brother was calling to tell me that my sister had found her husband in the bedroom floor. Not well for about three years my brother-in-law had passed away. Plagued with a heart problem complicated by diabetes it has been some time since he really felt well. Last week was a difficult week for my sister, her son and his family, my brother in law's sister and the rest of us in the extended family as we said our goodbyes to our relative and friend. We look forward to the day when once again we will see him but as a healthy being. That does not mean we are ready to bow out YET.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Making A Change

Do you ever have to bite your tongue to avoid expressing your opinion? Do you ever wish that others did not view you as judgmental? Why would one dare to think one's opinion matters to others?? Is is not better just to be a good listener unless and if someone asks what you think about an issue??
If these ideas are golden then why can I not remember them?? For this year (2010) I shall do my best to keep them forefront and ever present in my mind. At the end of the year (if I make it) I shall assess the difference.

Winter Solstice = Longer Days

It is hard to believe that I spend as much time stressing about the lack of daylight and the presence of darkness as I am prone to do. I am certain that I sound like a broken record to my family and friends. I have always hated winter and have linked my distaste to its descriptive characteristics.
I am delighted that for this season we have gotten past the winter solstice and I can look forward to the days lengthening by one minute each day. By the end of January we will have at least thirty minutes of additional daylight and I can begin to look forward to Spring with the conviction that it does indeed come each year as surely as our Heavenly Father dwells in the Heavens. It always seems to me that I can handle winter a little better as February arrives (even if it snows) simply by realizing that in the Carolinas the weather starts to moderate as the days lengthen. Soon the crocuses and daffodils appear and all is right with the world.
My confidante tells me that I have affective light disorder but that fancy diagnosis makes it no easier to handle the lack of daylight better known as short days.