Saturday, January 30, 2010

Waiting -- Part II

Our last experience with waiting resulted in a trip back to Duke for a cornea check. Got to read the eye chart thingey all over again -- I guess the first time was just practice, huh?? To my delight there just was no waiting with this 8AM visit. So now I know the formula -- take the 8 AM appointment, fight the I-540 and I-40 traffic, arrive early, and you have no waiting -- or at least not this time.
And then there was a wonderful report on the transplanted corneas. The doctor examined them thoroughly and said they were great. They work so well and I am so grateful that I can see without glasses. I never expected such splendid results but I have been truly blessed. I expected to still wear glasses but hoped to be able to see without a shadow in front of my eye that sometimes never went away during the day.
What lesson has been learned about waiting? I think that sometimes these emergencies do pile up in waiting rooms and a number of patients may be scheduled who are truly high maintenance or very needy without thought to the depth of their needs. It pays to be patient and sometimes just to go home and come again!

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