Saturday, January 2, 2010

Winter Solstice = Longer Days

It is hard to believe that I spend as much time stressing about the lack of daylight and the presence of darkness as I am prone to do. I am certain that I sound like a broken record to my family and friends. I have always hated winter and have linked my distaste to its descriptive characteristics.
I am delighted that for this season we have gotten past the winter solstice and I can look forward to the days lengthening by one minute each day. By the end of January we will have at least thirty minutes of additional daylight and I can begin to look forward to Spring with the conviction that it does indeed come each year as surely as our Heavenly Father dwells in the Heavens. It always seems to me that I can handle winter a little better as February arrives (even if it snows) simply by realizing that in the Carolinas the weather starts to moderate as the days lengthen. Soon the crocuses and daffodils appear and all is right with the world.
My confidante tells me that I have affective light disorder but that fancy diagnosis makes it no easier to handle the lack of daylight better known as short days.

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