Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Learning to Stay at Home

All of my adult life I have worked out of the home. I started with a few little part time jobs as a teenager and then a more regular job checking groceries at Kroger to earn money for college expenses. After that it was teaching school for all of my years. Learning to be a "stay at home mom" has been a new experience for me. My Mom was a stay at home mom but neither of her daughters have been. We loved having Mom at home when we came home from school and she loved being there for us and Daddy.
After Ken died I worked full time one school year and decided to retire and work part time. Beginning in 2000 I started to work half time until this school year began. A broken shoulder complicated by school budget cuts kept me at home as the school year started this fall and I must admit I am not sorry. Can you believe that after all of those years I do not miss going to school each day? Oh, it still runs in my blood -- don't get me wrong. Perhaps I am just learning what it might have been like had I had little ones and stayed at home as they grew.
I have lived a life organized around long range and short range goals. I really can't say it has been any different since I have been staying at home. I have been working steadily to prepare my second home to be sold. Now that it is almost ready comes the time to give some thought to the next phase of my life. What do I plan to accomplish and where do I plan to do it? The jury is still out on this one -- meaning the choices still bug me -- I am having a tough time deciding. Don't want to make a mistake on something this important. Is there more work in my future?? Wouldn't rule that out either but for now I am learning to stay at home -- and you know what?? It ain't half bad!!

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