Monday, February 22, 2010

To Thine Own Self Be True

Have you ever given any thought to who or what controls your thinking? Does it matter to you who or what controls your thinking? Is it important to you to be an independent thinker? Do you think when Heavenly Father allowed us to come to earth and gave us our free agency to choose he expected us to do our own thinking? Do you ever accept someone else's conclusions about something only to have it bother you later because it is not what you truly believe or it is not how you really see or interpret an issue? Are you afraid to express your feelings because others might not accept them?

I wrote about this in my blog last year only to erase the entry when I erased every entry for 2009. So why I am I here again? Must be because this subject really bothers me or is it because I have a fear of someone controlling my thinking. I want never to take "things" for granted.
I "think" this issue bothers me because I am acquainted with folks who do not think!! They put no effort or time into studying issues, their scaffolding or details, and then accept the word of others as the very "gospel" and give full support with no knowledge of their very own.
I know individuals who do this about people. Whatever someone else says about you becomes truth in their minds. How unfortunate! What others think could sometimes just be gossip or total untruths.

It is truly important for each of us to use your own minds when forming opinions and even when learning. That is why we have been given the ability to think, learn, and choose. Ever heard that advertisement that says something about a mind being a terrible thing to waste. So is our agency -- don't give it away to others.

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