Monday, March 1, 2010

Springing Into March

Today is March 1st. Can Spring be far behind? This has been such a cold, cold winter that I doubt many folks will be sad to see it go. It has always seemed to me that hot, hot summers followed cold, cold winters in North Carolina. Hopefully this year I am wrong, wrong, wrong! Predictors and prognosicators say the presence of El Nino means a rather active hurricane season for the Atlantic. That can be good and bad. It usually brings lots of rain but the danger of devasting destructive storms as well.
Wednesday, March 3rd, is my father's birthday. He has been gone twenty-one years now. We have missed him a lot. Neither he nor we were ready for him to leave but Heavenly Father must have been ready. My Dad was a good man. He had qualities that are difficult to find among men today. He was a truly honest man. He loved his family and he was a tough taskmaster -- kept us straight!
Happy Birthday, Daddy.

1 comment:

Christy said...

Happy Birthday to your dad!....and I really hope you're wrong about the warm warm summer!
