Friday, March 19, 2010

Give to Live

Well, again I couldn't resist posting this message from "The Spoken Word." Having read Mitch Albom's books I couldn't help but reflect on these words.

Music and the Spoken Word

"Give to Live"
March 14, 2010, Broadcast #4200

Every Tuesday for months, writer Mitch Albom met with his old professor Morrie Schwartz to talk about life. Morrie was dying, but he taught his former student profound lessons in living. Considering his physical condition, Morrie could have easily accepted pity, but he didn't. "Why would I ever take like that?" he said. "Taking only makes me feel like I'm dying. Giving makes me feel like I'm living.1"
It may sound ironic, but it's true. The people who seem to get the most out of life are those who aren't focused on getting at all. They give, and they find that giving sweetens and enriches their lives.

Indeed, we live by giving. We each have something to give. And it doesn't have to be something grand; it just needs to come from the heart. It may be our time, our interest or concern, our resources, our skills, or our talents. It could be the willingness to listen, the patience to truly understand, the selflessness to think of others before ourselves. A smile and a sincere word of praise may be worth more than gold to one who is discouraged. An extended hand of friendship and an offer to help may be just what's needed to get someone through the day. Unlike the material gifts that wear down and run out, these more precious gifts are inexhaustible. In fact, the miracle is that the more we give such gifts, the more we have to give.

Think of those you know who freely give. Their generosity sometimes makes them busy, and yet they always seem to have time for you. They're interested in you. They make efforts to lift your spirits and encourage you, even when they're carrying burdens that may be heavier than your own. They generously share their wisdom, experience, and life lessons. Because they are willing to give, they live. And in a sense, they and their gifts will live forever.

1In Joseph M. Dougherty, "Feel most alive by giving, author Albom says at WSU," Deseret Morning News, Mar. 29, 2007, B5.

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