Monday, December 13, 2010

Weather Whether or Not....

I am a winter grump! I sometimes post things about my disgruntled feelings and I suppose folks get tired of hearing me. But winter makes me so miserable. Currently the weather is so very cold and winter has not officially started. My skin dries out and cracks around my fingers and on my feet. Sometimes the cracked spots bleed and sometimes my fingers and joints hurt and are sore.
So, it sounds like I dislike the way winter makes me feel physically and emotionally.

Old people do not fare well in the cold of winter because their body systems are often compromised even before having to endure cold temperatures. Young people often do not fare well in cold temperatures because developmentally their little bodies aren't prepared to cope. We must wrap and bundle them up really tight or I should say try to. As a former school marm I can tell you it was almost like fighting to get them to wrap up to leave the school building to either play or go home. Students would leave coats, hats and gloves strewn all over rather than wear them. They eventually wound up in the "Lost and Found." Occasionally as you passed through the area you would find a parent anxiously looking to find the lost clothing of their child.

As I write this I have a little black schnauzer girl curled up beside me sound asleep. Today has been miserably cold but she didn't seem to know it. She and her sister have been in and out the door over and over to take care of business and play in the yard for as long as I would allow. I have tried to be careful that they did not stay out very long. They always have on their own little furry coats but I felt they weren't sufficient for very long.

I am tired of hearing about the buckle in the jet stream. One reporter on CBS forecasted tonight that it looks like this weather pattern with Mr. Jet Stream out of whack will probably last through the end of the year. Who knows what then?? Could be MOS!

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