Monday, November 7, 2011

Say now, do you know??

Aha, it is Monday, day to do the wash! But wash we shall not, instead we shall write.

The girls and I have spent the last few days at the coast at my sister's home. The girls had fun playing and romping in the big-big yard with my sister's two dogs. I helped my sister in the media center at her school with tasks she needed a hand completing.

The weather turned nasty and the temperature cooled as it got closer to the time for us to return to the big 'ole capital city. But by the time the day arrived the sun was gorgeous even if the temperature was somewhat nippy. As we rode along up to the big city of Wilmington the wind rocked our little suv back and forth as if it was going to lift us up like Mary Poppins and spin us around. The trees have turned their magical colors and quite frankly they looked a little spent!! Couldn't help but think as we traveled on that the next time we made this trip the leaves could all be on the ground and the trees' arms (limbs) sticking out all bare. As I used to tell my students, "It is difficult to understand trees. In the fall they take off all of their clothes and throw them on the ground just as the weather gets cold. We humans put on more clothes when it gets cold. In the spring when we humans get ready to shed our heavy coats, jackets and sweaters, then trees put their clothes (leaves) back on. Wonder why trees are so mixed up???

We stopped by our own home in Wilmington for just a few minutes. The winter rye grass is starting to come up nicely on the front lawn and looked very pretty and green. We could hardly make our way along the streets near Castle Hayne as it was the "Fall Polish Festival" at St. Stanislaus Catholic Church. The sides of the highway and the side streets are always full of cars with folks going and coming on this day. Evidently they have truly good Polish food during this festival because people seem to come from everywhere to attend each year. Fall festivals are great fun.
It all makes me wish we could stay young forever! I would love to teach school until the day I die.
Now I must close this entry because I need to hurry outside and plant some more grass seed. As you know I love spring and my fescue grass needs to be patched in spots.

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