Monday, December 19, 2011

And in The Dark Streets Shineth......

Christmas Season is here and our Christian nation takes note of its significance and the birth of a tiny son in a lowly stable somewhere in Bethlehem who we have come to acknowledge as our Savior, even our elder brother, Jesus Christ. At the same time in our twin cities of Raleigh-Durham we hear constant news reports of the trial of a young man accused of the heinous crime of having slain a bright young lady on the cusp of a career, in the prime of her young life, serving as President of the Student Body of UNC-Chapel Hill. Her loving parents watch daily as this trial plays out and this distasteful tale is told. This horrible, horrible slaying occurred several years ago in the hours of night as two young men kidnapped this young lady, had her drive the ATM's and extract her money, then shot her, one of them four times, and the other delivering the fatal shot to the head, leaving her in the street near her home with the excuse, "she saw our faces." Makes one scratch their head and ponder the value of a life. And then again the disrespect or lack of value placed upon life.

What difference does the life of one make in the life of another? Can it be measured? NO, I would say, not in earthly measure. The person whose life was so easily snuffed out could have meant the world to one or many people. She was headed toward a life of serving others and giving. So sad.

Let's change channels. In another arena we find Tim Tebow, young football player turned professional from having made a name for himself as a quarterback on a Florida team. Knowing of his deep religious convictions in his college days one should not be surprised that they continue to be a part of his practices even as he plays professional ball on a national stage. I assume folks thought his religious practices would go away but --- hey, these were so much a part of this young man's convictions that he continues to practice what he believes in spite of who might be watching or where he needs to bend his knee and offer thanks. The shocking part for most ---- he does it in front of everybody -- no matter who or where.
So... what is unusual about this?? The only part I see unusual is that the press continues to make it news. Why not leave this young man and his deep religious convictions alone? He believes .... maybe you don't... but leave him alone.
SNL made light of it on the Saturday night edition. Some of it could be categorized irreverant or even blasphemic.

I believe it would be best that we, as a nation, not trivialize his faith but acknowledge it, and show respect for him as a fine example that in the dark street still shineth those who believe and those who respect. Many are young people while not born in a lowly stable, yet born of goodly parents, trained at their knees, with loving, willing hearts ready to love and serve mankind. May all be blessed with the ....everlasting light.

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