Thursday, February 21, 2013

Indiscretions in High Places

One must wonder if press folks have a difficult time finding sensational topics to write about in the dark winter months, thus they plunder into the lives of folks and come up with juicy dark secrets. The last few weeks seem to be resplendent with stories of "secret children" sired by various congressmen making the laws for our country. Seems they (our lawmakers) can't even obey the basic laws of family life. One week they seemed to revisit Senator Strom's indiscretions when he was a rather young man and the daughter that resulted. Only after his death did this lady confirm what had been suspected and written about for years. If one recalls the history there...Senator Strom and his first wife had no children. After she passed away he married a "Miss South Carolina" with whom there existed a considerable age difference. They then had a family of several children. According to the reports the illegitimate daughter was probably born prior to his being married the first time. Senator Strom has been gone for some years now but....!!

Recently during the State of the Union speech a senator was exposed after being observed tweeting a young lady during the president's address. No one has a secret these days. Soon the press was right on it and the story told. He was exchanging texts with his young daughter born to a lady with whom he had an affair some years earlier. She is now grown. Soon the whole world knows as he freely admits he was tweeting his own daughter. The extra marital part could have been left off makes such a juicy story and the world just needs to know.

Today another older senator is admitting that he has an adult son in his thirties born as the result of an affair with a fellow Congressman's daughter. What?? Yep, that was it. The "result" is now a successful young man in his thirties. The guilty senator claims to have told his elderly wife only can assume when he knew the story was going to hit the press. The guilty senator has now retired from Congress makes for a really juicy story.

These are but a few of the stories of senatorial indiscretions circulating these days. How prevalent are these happenings??
Perhaps the public doesn't care -- who knows??? And it is true that most often when these characters are elected we generally have no measure of their true character. However, these are indications of an immoral society. When people lack moral character society suffers. When our leaders lack moral character we should care. We elect these people. Their character should be above reproach. They make the laws of the land in which we live -- the laws we are expected to obey. Should these guys obey the same laws??

In a day replete with technology in every phase of life we have no secrets. The world knows or can know all they want to know about you. Privacy is a thing of the past. In some ways, it is such an invasion...much like people feel after being raped. Wake up politicians!!

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