Saturday, November 23, 2013

So Many Voices....Education!!

So many voices....So many raise their voices to complain about the state of education. But how many are really interested in the whole picture? Many complain as long as their students are involved but move on to other concerns when their children are no longer involved and move into the next phase of life. Certainly one does not fault them for this natural progression. However, there is need for an analysis and action group to consider the needs of education in TODAY'S society. And for this group to take action and prepare the way. Times have changed. Society has changed. Educational needs have changed. These changes may be drastic enough to involve additional money and a re-vamping of the use of current funding. I say this at the risk of offending politicians...some at least.

Far too many parents want education to remain as it was when they were children or young adults. Technology continues to map new roads and avenues, new needs. Technology itself is on a never-ending march. This isn't likely to change. How do we prepare students for this new world, this new society. Great outcry has been heard from the public about Common Core. Some who knew why they were complaining and other who just jumped on the bandwagon and later tried to figure out and justify why. Some of the accusations could be justified in part, some are just ludicrous.

For some years public education seemed bent on educating every student in preparation for college in spite of the fact that many never went. Many students were just looking for a trade and perhaps an apprenticeship leading to a forever job and career. In my day and in the state in which I lived there were vocational schools students could attend for at least half of their school day providing them with training in a skill area. For some years and upon my entry into the field of education these seemed to no longer exist. Much has been said about the college prep programs that schools provide and the tracks in which students are placed who may only need the Math and communication skills (just an example) but not the entire curriculum.

Go figure, folks. During this downturn in the economy even college graduates could have used or sought training in a skill with which they could earn a living when they lost their jobs. Thus, an overload of students at community colleges.

I am old and no one pays attention to anything old folks say BUT I am going to say it any way. Education is in need of help--help with its vision and goals. Who can step up to the plate and provide the needed insight, vision, practicality, and program design and structure without malice or ill intent? (My previous statement is tempered by observations of the last legislative session in our state.) As with an old home, education needs a renovation and we need workers with real knowledge and pure intent.
Politicians should be barred from such efforts as their vision is obviously warped.

Just my opinions.....I really don't care is you disagree...'cuz...yep, you guessed it,...this is my blog!

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