Thursday, November 21, 2013

Thoughts Meandering Hither and Yon

Doesn't it seem that the year 2013 has just begun? In September I found myself astonished that the prior months had been whisked away and I needed to focus on the fact that we were in the last quarter of the year. Now that November has arrived I wonder where the year has gone. It has been an unusual year if you look outside your small sphere. Calamities and catastrophes continue throughout the world and in our country. It is sometimes difficult to look at the mayhem wrought by these happenings. But onward we march in our daily lives trying to make the best of each day and accomplish all that is possible to met our needs. Such is this earthly sojourn.

Now we find ourselves in the final and long holiday season of 2013. I have such difficulty with this time of the year since the loss of Ken. I try to do my best as I do not want to be the "stick in the mud" for my family or those around me but rest assured I am so relieved when it is all over. A new year dawns and the holidays we have are ones that are easier for me the handle because there is less hoop-la involved.

I have taken my Piper Kensleigh (schnauzer) to the animal opthalmologist this week for consultation on removing her cataracts that developed as a result of her diabetes. We have a surgery date of January 6th to get these monsters removed. Piper is blind at this point and quite depressed. The vet told me lots as we discussed removal.. and a lot of it had to do with the surgery itself and care afterward. However, a goodly share had to do with the downside and success or lack of success of the surgery. I want her to be able to see because I understand what it is like to not see well and to be threatened with the total loss of sight. For now, we are taking it all one day at a time.

What's up with you??

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