Sunday, January 5, 2014

Observations on Dieting... it is the first of the year of 2014 and folks have made New Year's resolutions (or revolutions as the little boy in the ad says) to lose weight. Not many people ever stick to their promises to themselves to do whatever those resolutions say. But today my thoughts are about the things folks do to lose weight. Some are doing these liquid diets for a week or two. You know the ones where they put disgusting things together in a blender or processor and make a more disgusting looking mess which they promptly drink or just take a picture of and put it on social media and taunt folks into thinking they drank the mess. Then there are some other liquid concoctions folks make just by putting things into water and letting them "stew" on their own. You know things like lemons, oranges, limes, etc. Enough acid to remove all of your dental enamel in one dead shot! Gotta drink this solution with a straw after having lined your tummy with several layers of Prilosec and its friends, the antacids!!

Let's see...these concoctions go by the sophisticated names of smoothies, fat flushes, body flushes, body detox.....whatever!!

Another interesting observation I have made is that quite often the folks on these diets as I have described have no need to diet at all. Usually their bodies are quite svelte, fit, whatever the correction description happens to be. ( Can't help but wonder if these kind of dieters have a severe case of constipation and need to smooth and flush!! Just a thought!!)

Now if I should decide to diet, I am thinking I would need to take a more serious approach, one not so modern as described above. I mean really, really diet...the old fashioned way like count calories, avoid sugar and carbs and all of that stuff. BUT...I am not thinking 2014 is a year I plan to engage in that activity ...or ever!!

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