Monday, January 18, 2016


Credit to Mormon Tabernacle Choir Broadcast

This Week's Broadcast
January 10, 2016 | Broadcast Number 4504

“The Power of Humility”

The world in which we live is fiercely competitive—some would even say ruthless. The pressure to succeed, to get ahead, leads many to be aggressive, dominating, overpowering. And succeed they often do—in a sense. But there’s a different, even a better way to live and to succeed. It is, in a word, humility.

Of course, humility is not a new idea, but it is getting renewed attention in—of all places—the hard-hitting business world. Recently several large, successful corporations have begun to prize humble leaders over the brash, overbearing kind. Humble leaders, they’ve found, “listen well, admit mistakes, and share the limelight.”1 They have helping hearts; they encourage teamwork and promote collaboration. They see themselves not as kings who issue orders but as coworkers in a worthwhile endeavor. Humble leaders see themselves authentically, with both strengths and weaknesses, and they recognize that leading others and serving them are not mutually exclusive efforts. One can be visionary and relentless, with the mind of a leader, and still be humble and teachable, with the heart of a servant.

Company executives are finding that when they hire leaders who are humble and eager to improve, the entire company benefits. A culture of humility and cooperation spreads throughout the workforce, bringing out the best in everyone.

But the humility must be sincere. In some ways, false modesty is worse than bold-faced arrogance because it is deceptive. By contrast, genuine humility comes from seeing things as they really are—recognizing that no one is superior to another, that we are each learning and growing as we go along. Some may be more gifted or talented, some may have had greater opportunities and more doors opened to them, but all have something to offer. All are worthy of dignity and respect.

If this attitude can improve the corporate world, think about what it could do for our interactions in our homes and communities. Imagine what might happen if we listened a little better, admitted our errors, and stopped worrying about who gets credit. Humility just may be the key that unlocks the door to improved relations, stronger organizations, and happier lives.

1. Joann S. Lublin, “The Case for Humble Executives,” Wall Street Journal, Oct. 20, 2015.

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