Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Job Misery

Have ever worked at a job that you truly did not like? You so looked forward to the weekend and dreaded for Monday to come? I know people who "claim to love their jobs" but if you believe what they write on Facebook you realize there seems to be a contradiction. They look forward to Friday all week and dread for Monday to come beginning Friday evening!
Patrick Lencioni has written a book entitled, " The Three Signs of a Miserable Job." In it he talks of three problems that, unsolved, make any job miserable -- even if its your dream job and you're well-paid for it.
The first is immeasurement. People have no way of judging when and whether they themselves are doing a good job.
The second is irrelevancy. People feel as if their work doesn't make any difference in the world. Employees need to know that the job they do impacts the lives of individuals in one way or another.
The third is anonymity. People feel as if they are not known as individuals. Their managers could care less about them, their needs or their interests.
Gallop polls show that 77% of American people hate their jobs, while other polls show that 87% of workers do not like their jobs.
What is it with this job misery?

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