Monday, August 2, 2010

Multitasking, a Misnomer

Do you have a strong belief that you are a multitasker? Does your multitasking save you time?
There are lots of reasons that I do not believe in multitasking nor do I believe that such activity saves one time. It has been suggested by some who have done research in this area that folks are really switchtasking, an activity they refer to as multitasking. Since the brain is having to switch between the activities it is performing it actually slows down the ability to act. Since no time is saved in performing several activities simultaneously due to the switching the brain is required to do one must wonder why folks would need to "multitask."
This brings me to another thought about this issue. Multiple Intelligences. While we realize that the brain is sectioned into different regions which control various activities would that not make one wonder about this activity. As we perform manual or physical activities the mind often wanders off on other things while performing these tasks. But the brain is not totally engaged in the second activity. For example, if I am painting which I consider to be a physical activity I could also be working out some other problems I have in my mind. Some may consider this multitasking but would I???
Probably not. Would the mental activity of problem solving slow down the physical activity of painting? Perhaps so. Oh my, I think I have confused myself with all of this now.

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