Monday, September 20, 2010

All Clogged Up

Gee, sheesh, I have heard several times on the news today that the leaves are coming after me!! They are going to jump in my gutters and clog them up so I need to run out and buy some gutter guards. Of course, then they say you can buy this "stuff" to make gutter guards for a small amount per yard and get it installed for one to five hundred dollars. But......if you buy a gutter guard system and have it installed you are looking at a bill up in the thousands. What else do I need to do? Oh yes, my grass is all clogged up, too. I need to get one of those "thingies" and punch holes all in my lawn and then sew the grass seed. NO, I think that is sow the grass seed -- oh heck, whatever the grass seed! I think that is because the soil in NC is good ole clay - more suitable for making bricks than growing grass!
Fall is expected to "fall" later this week, and daylight saving time will end the first weekend in November. From that point on the hours of daylight will evaporate until by December it is practically dark at 4:40 PM.
As I have gotten older that has really clogged up my thinking! Even the joys of the Yuletide season can't dull the effects of the lack of light for me. I will get slowly "unclogged" as the days start to lengthen in January. By January 31st I will realize they are at least thirty minutes longer. Convinces me that there is a God in Heaven. How about you?

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