Saturday, September 18, 2010


Some time some where many moons ago a set of parents labored with me their first child (but not their firstborn) to teach me the values that make up my character today. I am certain it was not always easy. Today as an adult I am grateful for their efforts on my behalf. They lived what they taught. I am not sure whether they were always perfect in their effort(s) but the values I admire today I learned in my home.
What I observe in the world around me gives cause for concern . What were other parents doing when my parents were "making me perfect?" What are young parents doing today about teaching values to their children? Have people my age forgotten what they were taught at their parents knee(s)?
Where is respect for others, their lives, and their homes? Where is honor? Where is responsibility for our acts and our part? What about love of God, freedom, and mankind?
I was raised in the south in a time when men opened the door for ladies and allowed them to walk in front when entering a building so as to assist them, and never on the outside when escorting them on the street. I guess I remember those things just because I am old. Because I am old those things no longer show respect, is that it?
Just the thoughts of an old person on an almost fall day.

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